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Work:nearly a third of women would remove their wedding ring before an interview

Discrimination in hiring can take various forms:it can be racist, homophobic, related to age or state of health, among others. Women are under extra pressure regarding their family situation, which is why some of them prefer to put the odds in their favor by making an… amazing arrangement. A study conducted by the online credit company Credit Angel reveals that 29% of women (nearly one in 3!) would take care to remove their wedding ring before a job interview, although questions about marital status and children's projects are prohibited in this specific context. The reason for taking such a precaution is rather obvious:in the eyes of the employer, a married woman is more likely to become pregnant, to take maternity leave and to ask to adjust her schedule to take care of her children thereafter.

Let it be known that you are expecting a child… A moral obligation?

The survey reveals other information about employers who, prohibited from trying to find out more about the applicant's personal life, obviously expect her to reveal more about herself:59% of them think that women who are expecting a child should make it known during an interview when 46% of respondents admit that it is normal to ask a woman if she has young children before the birth 'to hire. Change is obviously not for now... And you ladies, have you ever taken steps to hide your personal situation from a potential future employer?