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Drinking coffee would help to work more effectively in a team

For millions of French people, morning coffee is the essential step to start the day on the right foot. A cup at home before departure, then another once you get to work to give yourself a little courage and above all improve your performance. According to a study by the Ohio State University, coffee makes it possible to work more effectively and not only on your own, but also in a team. American researchers have carried out two very telling studies that report on the benefits of the drink. The first involved 72 coffee drinkers (who had not consumed coffee before the experiment):half were asked to drink a cup of coffee at the start of the experiment and rate its flavor, and the other half did the same at the end. Once the caffeine kicked in, participants were divided into small groups and instructed to discuss topics related to social and economic inequality for 15 minutes and then rate the quality of their presentation and from that of the people who took part in the conversation.

More “relevant” exchanges

The results showed that people who drank coffee before the debate gave each other higher ratings than those who did not. The 2nd experiment has some similarities:61 students drank coffee before starting the “test” but it was decaffeinated that was given to half of them. As with the first experiment, the participants who consumed caffeine judged that the discussion had been more constructive than the other group. Scientists believe that coffee helps to be more alert:"We think that when people are more lively, they are more inclined to participate and it puts them in a positive attitude […] They talk about more relevant things after having consumed caffeine “, concludes the co-author of the study, Amit Singh. Bring the thermos en masse for the next meeting!