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Making love often would make you more efficient at work

Private life and professional life could be much more linked than we think. Of course, being fulfilled at home influences the state of mind you have at work and vice versa, but according to a recent study, there is one area in particular that would change the game. It’s about… sex life! Researchers at Oregon State University, in the United States, indeed argue that having sex regularly promotes satisfaction and involvement at work. That's a good news ! The conclusion stems from a study centered on 159 married employees that lasted two weeks, and that the site EurekAlert relayed.

Dopamine and oxytocin implicated

Participants were asked to complete 2 short questionnaires each day that referred to their privacy. And the result is clear:those whose sex life is more active are in a better mood, more satisfied and more involved in their professional tasks the day after the intimate relationship. And that's not all:these same people are more likely to take on new challenges and are more productive. Ah, the effects of love… There is a scientific explanation for this:sex releases dopamine and oxytocin, respectively the hormones of pleasure and social connection, and then naturally boosts the mood, according to the professor Keith Leavitt who worked on the project. And this feeling of “euphoria” can last up to 24 hours!

It proves that sex has social, emotional and psychological benefits, and it needs to be made a priority. Take the time to make love “, adds the professor. If science says so, let's take care of our mental health! Despite the teasing, it seems that the Swedish municipal official who proposed that employees be paid to go home to have sex with their partner was right!