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3 tips to make you more productive

Do you have trouble concentrating when you really need to do something? Chances are life has happened to you that makes it hard to focus on productivity, and it can get in the way of your work or personal life.
Here are three powerful tips that will help you reap the benefits to have a clear head.
Related: 4 ways to declutter your mind
1. Write your thoughts down on paper.
Sometimes you can't express yourself the way you want or should. You may be worried about hurting someone close to you, or you may be worried that your words will cause more trouble than they deserve. The fact is, keeping emotions bottled up isn't healthy for your mind or body.
To remedy those occasions, go buy a special notebook to allow you to express yourself, without hurting yourself. Whenever Abraham Lincoln really wanted to tell someone what he thought of them, he wrote a mean letter to that person and didn't send it. Therapeutically, it gets you all out, while making you feel better and more productive.
Not really concerned about a certain person? I am fine too. The notebook is a catch-all for your emotional distresses and whatever worries you. Holding these thoughts together gives you an outlet, and when you release emotional distress from your mind, it allows you to make better decisions, think more clearly, and, as a result, be more productive.

2. Find your meditation practice.

Although you can go cross your legs, close your eyes and sing om to calm your mind, there are many other meditation practices you can try.
Meditation can be any place or practice you enjoy. My mother comes into the kitchen to cook. My father goes fishing. I run. It is an exercise that I can enjoy in solitude. It's a place I can go alone and clear my head.
Whatever the scenario, make it yours. Find a place where you can go to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This daily practice of being alone and thinking about the events ahead of you will give you peace of mind. And if you choose some kind of physical exercise, it is doubly good for you mentally and physically.
3. Find your distraction.
It may sound counterproductive, but neuroscientists at Brown University have concluded that the key to some productivity is causing distraction. Your mind can only accommodate one idea at a time, and when you're not productive, you harbor other thoughts that keep you from achieving your goals.
So to create a clear mind, you need a distraction. For example, at work, gather some of your colleagues and have a night out. Don't talk about work at the lunch table either; Instead, find something that interests everyone, like that basketball game last night. It allows your mind to recharge and gather for the rest of the day.
Distractions, while not the perfect solution for someone who is supposed to be concentrating, can be a great way to reload old brain cells so they're ready for round two.
If you're having a little trouble being productive, these suggestions are powerful enough to restart everything.
En relationship: 3 Productivity Habits of Successful People