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CV writing:make sure your CV sells you with these tips

The labor market. It sometimes looks like an ordinary Saturday market with screaming merchants. And make sure it's there! Writing your CV has therefore become a very important part. Based on that, you ensure that you 'get in' somewhere. So make sure your curriculum vitae sells you. In this blog you can read tips to ensure that your chances of being invited to conversations increase.

The CV as we have always known it is no longer sufficient in these (crisis) times where sometimes hundreds of applications come in for one vacancy. Here you can read tips that will make your CV a lot easier – and more profitable.

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Table of Contents

Write your resume:how do you go about doing that?

Your CV must sell in a clear and readable whole what you have to offer in terms of unique added value. Let's face it… The person assessing your application will probably have very little time to spend on it. Your letter is often not read until your CV is already on the “interesting” pile. So make sure your resume sells you. So take a good look at it first. What does the resume you have now look like? Does it stand out in a thick pile? But not only the layout is important, of course.

The content of your resume

Is your resume a summary of what you've done? Or a representation of your unique added value that you have to offer to the organization where you are applying? The first shows what you were “worth” in the past. The second makes a link to what you bring with you in the position for which you are applying. That's an important difference. Your resume should be focused on the work you want to do. Make sure you have a good balance in what you have done. This is how you demonstrate your qualities. But also make it clear what you want and can do.

Your added-value

If you are going to write your CV, you must make your qualities clear. What is your unique added value? What are you bringing? Recruiters are mainly looking for who you are and what you do in your CV. Your most recent behavior is the best predictor of the behavior you will display in the future when you work for their organization. So make visible in your job descriptions exactly what you did from 9 to 6 every day. Describe especially the things that are relevant to the work you want to do.

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Selling-yourself-writing-your-resume? Stand out

Writing your resume is selling yourself. You will have to stand out for that these days. So go beyond all kinds of general descriptions that every other applicant could have in their CV. It's about showing what YOU can specifically add to the organization.

This is how you display your added-value in your resume:

Start by seriously assessing whether you are the right candidate for this position. That may sound silly, but it is the basis for successful application. Make sure that you know and acknowledge your qualities and added value and that you can give examples of your unique contribution. Only when you can honestly convince yourself that this job is right for you, you will be able to make this clear to someone else when writing your CV.

Choose a job title that covers the load of your work † You do not have to use the official job title from your contract.

Describe your responsibilities and tasks and make them as tangible as possible. Where possible, express your duties and responsibilities in numbers † This makes the difference between you and the other applicants. For example:manager for a team of 10 FTE, responsible for a turnover of 2 million, HR director for 7 European countries, etc.

In short, 'sell' yourself:

Describe your main results in your resume † What exactly have you achieved in this position? What changes have you made? Which processes have you improved, which initiatives have you taken? Here too, the following applies:where possible, make your contribution more tangible by using figures. For example:new complaints management system introduced, which reduced the number of complaints submitted by 60%, etc.

Present yourself as the solution to a problem. When writing your CV, familiarize yourself with the organization and the task that lies ahead of you in the position you are applying for. See the emergence of the vacancy as follows:the organization has a problem to solve for which someone is wanted. This creates the vacancy. Define the organization's problem as specifically as possible and show in the description of yourself and your achieved results that you can solve this problem perfectly.

Include a short profile of yourself in your CV † You put this after your personal details and before the descriptions of your work experience. Briefly list a number of personal characteristics, qualities and your specialism, aimed at the work you want to do. This is a super short and striking summary of what you would put in your letter. Your letter will also mainly include your motivation for applying for this position. With this profile at the top of your resume, your resume becomes a much more valuable document when forwarded to others without a letter. You can now also better use it in network conversations to present yourself.

Writing your CV is of course very important. But the most important success factor when applying for a job is that you look for work that really suits you:your qualities and, above all, your ambitions.

Good luck!

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