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Dare to dream, what do you do to make your dream come true?

Dare to dream, it has become a kind of Mantra. Since I read Ben Tiggelaar's book (and that was many years ago) I have also been able to reinforce my own motto.

And I may call this my own motto, but I didn't make it up myself. No, it's a spell sent to me fifteen years ago on a card from the aunt of the man I was in love with at the time. Well, that's a mouth full. This proverb actually says exactly the same as 'Dream Dare Do'. And even though I can imagine many sayings, this one really does something to me.

Table of contents

Dream Dare to Do

Maybe it's because of the difficult start I had with that man in question, that could just be. Just for your information… the man I was in love with at the time, I'm still married to him now. And that aunt? I am eternally grateful <3 . She helped me to take that last step.

Take matters into your own hands

Without laying out all the juicy details of the situation at the time, I can tell you that this spell has prompted me to make decisions that I am still happy with today. And my two blood children are the result of that!

Sometimes you don't just have to dream, but also dare to do it. It's that simple. And it stays that simple. In fact… you are responsible for that yourself! You and no one else really, even if a little help every now and then is useful. Make that bucket list and really go for it!

It's easy to talk

And now I hear you think… 'yes, you have easy dicks'. But if I were to tell you what choices I've made in the past, what stupid things I've done and what incredibly difficult situations I've been in… you'd think differently. Unfortunately peanut butter, maybe another time . For the time being, I don't feel like going into detail about that, haha.

Live your dream, don't dream your life

The point is that -because you are responsible yourself- you realize that you have to take steps. Standing still is going backwards and I fully agree with that. That is true in technology, and in business, but it is also true on a personal level.

And so it's important that you challenge yourself. That you take steps to achieve your goals. Even though they are so small, those steps. It's daring to dream, in that order. Are you dreaming of something? That's fine! But don't dwell on that dream. Make sure you can take small steps to turn that dream into reality.

And of course the circumstances are not always such that you can immediately follow your dream with ease. But that is not the case for almost anyone. Let me give you a few examples of daring to do dreams in their purest form.

Heidi Lammers

The one who is number one for me is Heidi. In December 2016 she wrote about her dream, a dream of a chronically ill mother. Heidi has MS and was in a wheelchair. She has started a crowdfunding in our village Schijndel to raise € 70,000 for an operation that she could undergo in Mexico or in Russia. An operation that she could not have here in the Netherlands and was not reimbursed anyway.

Her dream? Being able to walk again…. and look what she did last October 27th! How tough! Making yourself so vulnerable to your own future and that of your family. I think it's a really strong example of daring to dream.

But of course it doesn't have to be that big. I just wanted to show you where it can lead.

Dare to take my own dreams steps

I myself recently took the step to register at the Volunteer Work Support Center in Schijndel. I did this for a Menzis SamenGezond campaign, but of course from my heart because I also want to! And this may sound strange, but this also feels like daring to dream to me. I've had this in my head for four years (!) and only now am I taking the step. Apparently I had to grow into it. And Menzis gave me the last push 😉 .

Starting my own company was also such a step. I've been shouting about this since I was fourteen, but I had to turn thirty-eight with a seriously ill father to see that I really had to take matters into my own hands.

And just to talk about a very personal dream… how about my upper eyelid correction? Also a decision that I had to grow towards!

By the way, I have another one that I have not yet realized and of which I still have to take the final steps. A week on my own in a cabin on the heath † Only I don't dare yet. Talk about daring to dream 😉 .

In our group of friends

Also in my group of friends we currently have a number of ladies who make their own choices and follow their dreams. Super nice to see and actually I'm very proud of those women! One is single and has quit her job at a bank -where she has worked for 25 years!- to start a new challenge. And the other is a single mother and recently started a make-up course next to her job. Just to develop oneself and learn new things.

Where are your dreams?

Now I'm curious where your dreams lie. Do you have something you are looking forward to? What have you been thinking about for a long time? And why haven't you taken 'the steps' yet to actually work on your dream? Or maybe you have already taken steps but are not there yet? That is also possible of course.

What's stopping your 'daring to do dreams'? You may not dare because you are afraid that others already have their opinion about you (and your dream) ready. Or maybe you could use some financial support to take the last steps? Because to be honest, not every dream is just affordable of course. It may just be that you don't have the money for the study you would like to follow, for example, or the course you want to do. Ferratum can help you with that, just like they want to do today to get one step closer to your dream.

Maybe someone close to you doesn't agree with what you want? I also recognize the latter. My hubbie isn't happy with my volunteer work. Not that he can't appreciate it, sure. But he knows how busy I am all the time and is afraid it will be too much. But I won't let that stop me. Because you know… someone else has no idea what a dream or a wish means to you. Only you can fill that in!

Need help?

Sosss… I'm curious about your situation. And I want to help you a little bit. Or actually not me, but Ferratum dus. Because I can make that last bit of financial support available in collaboration with them. Maybe for your dream!

I hope I was able to inspire you to share your dreams with me. Don't you dare yet? Then definitely read Ben Tiggelaar's book once, maybe he can persuade you. Because let's face it… just dreaming doesn't make anyone happy!


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