Family Best Time >> Work

Women can do everything at once. Almost everything. However?

Women can do everything at once. However? Or not? A hilarious blog by Yvonne with the recognizability of everyday life 😉 .

Women can do everything at once

“Mommy, can you turn on Netflix?” Little Man asks impatiently. "I'm coming," I call from the kitchen. "Are you coming now?"

I'm busy Mister Impatience.

I wash my hands and rush to the television. Annoyed, I press all the buttons on the remote control. This is all taking way too long. I'll turn on the television. Then I run back to the kitchen, where the meat is in the pan waiting to be turned.

I immediately clean the mushrooms and pour a glass of wine. Oh wait, I also have to answer that one email. Oops, my meat suddenly goes very hard, I see, turn down the fire. The next pan I install on the stove for the mushrooms. I'm already putting the lasagna in the oven, the kids love it so much † In the distance I hear the washing machine beeping.

I run up the stairs with my phone in my hands and I quickly hit send. Little Man yells at the bottom of the stairs, “Mama, can I have gingerbread cookies?” “Nooo!” I roar as loud as I can. "We're going to eat soon."

I hear wailing coming from downstairs, but I'm busy transferring the laundry to the dryer. Hop, the next one was in right away. The doorbell rings. Aahhh, who the hell again † wehkamp. The two new sweaters I ordered for Kleine Man. 'Yes, thank you and see you soon'.

I rush to the kitchen to make sure my mushrooms don't burn. It's not that bad, toss quickly.

Finally we are sitting at the table

Sigh , we sit. “Mommy, I don't like those bits in there.” “That's a shame.” I cut my flesh in half and look at Husband. "Are you all right, honey?"

I sigh and put my knife next to my plate. "Yeah, it was a little run. But everything under control.' Only… I'm not hungry anymore. Reluctantly, I take a bite and fill the kids' glasses again. I also pour myself some wine. "Drink well," I hear myself mumble . Especially me yes.

Why… women can do everything at once?

After dinner, Little Man roars that he also wants a task. And no, not cleaning up his toys but something else. Adolescent Daughter 14 feeds the dogs, Adolescent Son 16 does the garbage, Daughter 18 cleans the kitchen sink, Little Man helps her and Husband sends his 'last email'. We all know that it really won't be the last of today. I load up the dishwasher and at the same time I take care of the rest.

Another day has passed

After dinner I give Little Man a bath and I wipe the bedroom floors with a mop. When he's in his pajamas, he asks:'Mama, can we cuddle in my bed?'


"You better go lie down in your bed, mommy grabs her phone downstairs and then comes to lie with you."

"Can someone give me a call, I've lost my phone."

I prick up my ears. While waiting for the sound of my ringtone, I hear a knock coming from the washing machine. I stand frozen.

It won't…

My heart rate goes up like a rocket and I suddenly get very warm. Two steps at a time, I run up the stairs again and bang open the door of the laundry room. I kneel in front of the washing machine with my nose almost against the window and see my phone spinning in a tub full of water. I could burst into tears.

It doesn't work anymore.

"Mommy, are you coming now?" "I'm coming sweetie." He can't help it. Runners are dead runners. I close the laundry room behind me, lie in bed with Little Man and pull the duvet over my head. I do have some peace now.