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Women in politics

Where is the first female prime minister? Women in politics are severely underrepresented. During the Political Café on 9 June in The Hague, Ruth Peetoom (CDA chairman) and Jet Bussemaker (Minister of Education, Culture and Science) will discuss women in Dutch politics.

Do you live near here? Go there! Admission is free for women and men 😉 .

Women in politics in the Netherlands

In the Senate and the House of Representatives and in the government, almost forty percent are women, in the Provincial Council a third of all members of parliament and in the municipal councils only a quarter of the councilors are women. That's not much.

Why are women so underrepresented in local politics? Why has the Netherlands not yet had a female prime minister? And why are women often in second place on election lists, but they hardly ever become party leaders? Is this a 'case of' glass ceiling or do 'we women' just have a hand in this ourselves? Do we prefer safer professions?

In the political cafe, together with Ruth and Jet, comparisons are made with other countries and they discuss reasons why there seems to be little room for women in politics in the Netherlands.

You go? Let us know how it was, we are very curious about that!