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Women in construction

Although women nowadays no longer specifically opt for a “women's profession” such as secretary, nurse or teacher, some workplaces are still dominated by men. One of those still “typical male professions” is the construction sector. If you walk by somewhere where construction is taking place, you will more often not see a woman. Statistics from Statistics Netherlands from 2016 also show that the construction industry has been and will remain a man's world until now. With a 9 percent share, women in construction (including office workers) are clearly a rarity. And according to those statistics, a total of 36 thousand women have a job in construction. So not very much!

But why not?
Apart from the fact that a job in construction is physically demanding and working conditions are not always ideal, it has traditionally been the domain of men. As a woman in such a profession you have to be able to stand your ground. For example, making yourself vulnerable is one of those things that they are not used to in this sector. The opportunities to work part-time are also minimal. This is especially difficult for women with children.

Still, they are increasingly looking for women in the construction industry. In recent years, there have been several campaigns to introduce women to the profession. As a result, more and more women are also aware of the wide range of opportunities in the construction industry, and not just in the administrative professions or as construction workers. It is very possible to make a career in construction. Think of positions as, female foreman or project leader.

Tips for building a career in construction
Make sure you have the skills required for the position.
Show initiative.
Observe safety regulations, wear earplugs, construction helmet, ladies' work boots, dust mask, goggles when necessary and gloves.
Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Be confident.
Be clear and direct.