Family Best Time >> Work

Number of working women increased

CBS has good news! Over the past ten years, the number of working women has grown faster than the number of working men.

In the second quarter of this year, the employed labor force was more than 3.8 million women, compared to 3.4 million in 2005. And there were 4.5 million men in work compared to the 4.4 million ten years ago. . However, three quarters of women work part-time. That is a quarter for men.

Last year there was a small dip and the number of working women briefly dropped below 3.8 million. The care and welfare professions in particular saw a decline in the number of working women. In the past year, the increase among women was again relatively strong, so that the number of working women again exceeded  3.8 million.

Increase in working women

In particular, an increase is observed in working women aged 45 to 75 years. Partly because there are more and more people over 45, but also because people now more often continue to work until a higher age. The labor participation rate in this group of working women is therefore increasing.

What about your ambitions? Would you like to continue working as long as you can, or would you like to stop at a certain age? Or maybe you'd rather not work at all, but maybe it would be better financially? We are curious!
