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Working pregnant:what do I do?

Above all, it is essential to remember one thing:your pregnancy takes priority over your work. Under no circumstances should your job jeopardize the proper development of your baby, for this certain behaviors are to be adopted and others to be avoided at best.

Start the day with a good breakfast

To avoid any crisis of hypoglycemia during the morning, have a hearty breakfast of fruit. Your body having been on an empty stomach since the evening before, it needs to regain strength for two, before starting the day. Remember to leave with a bottle of one and a half liters of water.

Avoid peak hours if possible

Today the law does not provide for working hours for a pregnant woman, it is all or nothing. That said, nothing prevents you from speaking with your employer and seeing if you can find an arrangement.

Opt for a nap after lunch

Many companies now provide rest rooms. If you are pregnant, why not take advantage of it? After lunch, lie down for 15-20 minutes to relax the muscles and regain flexibility.

Don't stay static

If you work sitting all day in front of a computer, don't sit still. To prevent your body from tensing up and having lower back pain, change position as much as possible (every 10 minutes is best). Prefer small heels (3-4 cm) to flat shoes. A good arch is important, to avoid aches and tensions of the body. Avoid standing all day, this could have consequences for your baby such as premature delivery.

Prevention is better than cure

Do not wait until the last minute to consult, if you feel weak or if contractions occur regularly, go consult your gynecology or your midwife who follows you. A work stoppage may be necessary in certain circumstances.

Do not fall asleep with a lump in your stomach

If you are stressed, you will not have a good sleep. So before going to bed, lay down quietly and rank your worries in order of priority (you can write them down if you wish). So you understand that your problems can wait until tomorrow and that now a good sleep awaits you.