Family Best Time >> Work

Family manager wanted; one who can take over my duties

Yvonne needs a family manager, I completely recognize her story… do you?

The raindrops fall down my face and into my neck. My hair is wet, my legs feel cold and my fingers are tingling. I go to school by bike, because I'm stuck for half an hour by car, and I don't have time for that. About my corpse that Little Man is the last to wait with the teacher because mother is too bad to cycle. And I hate cycling anyway…

"Mommy, mama."
Little Man comes running out of the classroom, roaring, screeching.

'Can I play with Floris?'

Before I can think about an answer, Floris stands next to me as hyper as Little Man and looks at me with sparkling eyes. Eyes that say:don't have the guts to say no.

Table of Contents

The rush hour of my life is going like this

You probably recognize it…

Playing with friends is part of it

Working hard in my upstairs room. I know that playing is part of it, but I just didn't feel like going out one more time. I had just promised myself to curl up on the couch with a pot of tea and warm slippers. Watching Casper and Emma's Christmas party together with Little Man for the thousandth time. You can't start early enough 😉 .

So that party is cancelled. I try to change the arrangement – ​​you can also play with us – but this conversation ends in disappointment.

"No, mom. I've never been to Floris before.'

I agree with Floris's mother that I will pick up Little Man at five o'clock. “That early?” Little Man looks at me sadly. "We need to eat again, honey. Now hop away with that pout and play.' They're gone, with a lot of noise.

What do you do if your planning goes wrong?

I cycle back home alone with the raindrops chasing me and feel stress. What would it be like to have a family manager?

At five o'clock everything is fixed everywhere, so there is no other option to get on that miserable bike again. Plus, I'm in a lot of trouble with dinner. Adolescent son 16 has to be on his bike again at six o'clock to the football and adolescent daughter 14 has to go to dance class. Little Man also has to take a bath and be in his bed by seven o'clock sharp. Help!! Why do I have yet said yes? 

Family manager m/f wanted

Preferably a female family manager, but we can't say that out loud because of discrimination.


  • Help with the household in the broadest sense of the word.
  • Ironing, washing, shopping, cooking (finally fresh endive stew).
  • Bringing and collecting children to school.
  • Bring them to friends and pick them up.
  • And then also bring it to sports and pick it up.
  • Walking the dogs.
  • Receive the packages.
  • Helping children with homework (so she has to be smart too).
  • Our parents help where necessary.
  • Visit all the grandparents, including the grandchildren of course.
  • Buy all birthday gifts.
  • Additional tasks such as; soaking up muddy shoes and removing kilos of sand from the shoes.

In short:you are always ready for all problems and calamities and you provide the ideal solution in the shortest possible time. You assist us and help us with our struggle for life. This is how we control the rush hour of my life.

I would prefer to place this advertisement for a family manager in the newspaper today.

Do you also experience the pressure of wanting to do everything as well as possible?

People between the ages of 30 and 45 experience the combination of work and private life as a heavy burden:only 8% find their life well balanced. People with a job of more than 28 hours a week and children at school find this combination extremely complicated.

It is not for nothing that it is said that this group is at the peak of life. Every family could use a family manager, right?

Little Man is already waiting for me at the window. He waves and has red cheeks like beets. Fortunately the rain has stopped. I lift it onto the bike and fasten it well.

Nice to go home. He sighs. “Where have you been?”