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6 ways managers can create better relationships with their team

Many employees leave their jobs because they cannot deal with their boss. If you're a manager but simply don't feel the love of your team, try these tips to help you build a better relationship with your team.

1) Maintain a positive attitude – While your attitude alone will not ensure success, it plays a big part in the success process. Posture is important, and it's vital to have the right posture for the right results. Influencing your own attitude will result in changing your behavior, and in return for the outcomes. With a positive attitude you can recognize obstacles as challenges instead of making them the finish line. You can look beyond what stands in the way and see your options.

2) Don't be a dreamer - Being too positive and optimistic will lead to problems. Having an extremely optimistic view means you can ignore problems and real concerns. Your outlook, while positive, may not be realistic. There is always balance, and realism must be incorporated into an optimistic mindset. You can make the wrong decision, choose the wrong person, perform the wrong task:that's called 'being human'.

3) Stop being friends – It is often difficult to successfully transition from a friend to a management role. Never overestimate group loyalty. Your friend to manager transition should be done with understanding and empathy for the team you now manage, and this could mean getting to know them again from the get-go. As strange as this may seem, you are now their manager. There are different dynamics and a different mindset for you and for them. In addition to ensuring processes and procedures, instructions, departments, etc., you now need to communicate in a way that would not please your team without becoming the center of gossip and complaining.

4) Stop looking for! – After a promotion it can be easy to fall into the trap of wanting to please the person above you and this can result in reactions that can alienate you from your team. It is important to consider the consequences of actions and the impact that new decisions will make on the team. Sometimes as a manager, when there is no discussion, the instruction has to be delivered. It won't please everyone; However, the aim is to find out how best not to discourage everyone.

5) Watch your reflection – As a manager, it's hard to miss how your own attitude, behavior and maybe your mood influences your team. It is very difficult to maintain motivation within your team when you are demotivated yourself and feel miserable in your role. As a manager you will motivate or demotivate your employees by your own motivation, energy and emotional state. You, as a manager, have a greater influence on your team and their productivity than you could possibly imagine. Your team may just be reflecting your mood. When a person's mood is contagious and affects emotions and consequences, it's called social contagion. When properly managed, social contagion can be a plus for everyone, the team, you as a manager and of course the company,

6) Sell the benefits, not the functionality – Good managers know how to engage their team. They know how to get the best out of the team, and they do it by selling the benefits. This means that they are selling the benefits of completing a task or project rather than the functionality. This is an old sales method:sellers promote buyer benefits, not functionality. Find out one-to-one what makes them tick, why are they working? And then support them with this.