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10 tips for new managers

“How management chooses to treat its employees impacts everything, for better or for worse” —Simon Sinek

You've finally worked your way up and landed your first management role. Now what? Welcome to a new world with new challenges.
Related: Do These 7 Things If You Want To Become A Leader Chances are you've been one of the best individual performers and that's why you've been promoted to a leadership position. Ironically, these skills aren't going to be useful to you anymore. The infographic below walks you through 10 of the key areas you need to focus on now. Let's take a look at some of the most important ones.
1. It's all about your team.
Welcome to a world where your success no longer depends on your individual performance. You will only be successful if you make sure everyone on your team is successful.
You probably wouldn't worry too much if a co-worker was struggling. Sure, you helped them where you could, but ultimately you had your own work to focus on. The most Machiavellian of you might even have congratulated yourself on how good it looks in comparison.
Related: Why do we feel happy when others fail?
Now this wrestler is reducing your team's performance. Moving them up the performance curve is a key priority.
2. Communication is key.
Your team members don't care about readers or bots. As a leader, you need to communicate with your team clearly and consistently.
Setting clear goals and expectations is a key part of leadership. If your team doesn't know what you expect of them, how can you expect them to deliver? Learn to explain the objective clearly and coherently. It's harder than it looks.
You're not leading a team of robots. Your behavior will have a big impact on their motivation. A few well-placed words of encouragement or a well-timed check-in can make a huge difference to a struggling employee.
Related: 10 Thoughtful Ways to Thank Your People
Similarly, a little public praise for a high performing employee can remind the rest of the team that you notice when they work hard and perform well.
Leadership n is not something you master. All leaders, whether skilled or experienced, are always working to improve their skills – that is the joy and frustration of leadership. Keep reading the infographic below for more tips and tricks to help you succeed.