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Team Building with employees:6 tips for organizing it well

Team Building is a concept that has existed for years and is becoming more democratic in France. The principle is simple:the company organizes an activity which aims to unite a team. This takes place outside the professional premises. It facilitates exchanges between employees, strengthens ties within a company and therefore optimizes turnover. Why do team building? How to choose and organize activities? Answers.

Definition:what is team building?

If we translate the expression team building , it means team building. You will therefore have understood or guessed it, the goal of a team building activity is to boost the cohesion of a group in a society. Teamwork positively impacts the activity of a company and therefore the turnover. Team building has existed since 1980. This type of activity was born in the United States. In the vast majority of cases, it is under the responsibility of the human resources department.

Team building has become essential. The practice makes it possible to weld a team or a group of collaborators and to make it more efficient. In addition, it then makes it possible to maximize the effectiveness of teamwork and at the same time to carry out large-scale projects.

Why do team building?

Team building activities are beneficial for businesses. They allow:

  • to improve communication within a team or the company in general,
  • to boost innovation,
  • to create new collaborations or even new alliances,
  • to reinforce a feeling of belonging to a group,
  • get to know each other with colleagues,
  • create professional and friendly ties.

Team building activities promote business success. But their benefits don't stop there. Employees feel valued and rewarded. During team building activities, there are no longer managers or subordinates but a team where everyone has their place. Team building is also a solution for attracting new employees. Indeed, more and more candidates are interested in the measures implemented by companies to improve the well-being of employees.

8 tips for organizing a successful team building activity

For team building to be truly beneficial for employees and for the results of the company, it is imperative to organize the activities well. How to achieve it? Here are 8 tips that you might find useful.

1. Set goals

Before starting the organization of team building activities, it is imperative to set goals. Why do you want to turn to team building? Is it to prepare for a big project? To reunite your teams? To welcome new employees? To announce a major change in the business or organization? It is important to clearly identify the objective(s) because they will guide your choice of activities.

2. Choosing the right activity

Team building activities are as numerous as they are varied. But it is not recommended to choose these activities at random. Each revolves around a theme. For example, some make it possible to improve crisis management, others to develop creativity. Team building activities can be sporty, creative or fun. Here is a list of activities.

  • Escape Room
  • Olympiads
  • Obstacle course
  • Treasure hunt
  • Construction
  • Game
  • Challenge
  • Culinary workshop
  • Theatrical play
  • Survey

3. Choose a nice place

Team building activities should not take place within the company. It is essential to find a place accessible to all but also a pleasant place. In a large majority of cases, team building is added to the business seminar. It allows, for a day or half a day, to relax and get out of the professional environment. Companies will have to offer a means of transport to employees.

4. Find a suitable date

Like the place, the date is very important. It is wise to offer team building when the activity of the company is less important. It is also necessary to avoid holiday periods and bridges. These periods are the ones with the most holidays. Absences could be numerous and motivation diminished.

5. Make employees want

Employees are the key to successful team building activities. It is therefore necessary to motivate them before and during the event. It is for example possible to involve them in the choice of the activity, the date or the place. You have to think about the limits of certain employees. If you opt for a sporting activity, you must ensure that it is at everyone's level. The less athletic collaborators might feel excluded and not want to participate in the adventure. Once the outing is over, it is also interesting to have feedback from participants and measure the results. This is the best way to know if the team building has been beneficial.

6. Renew the experience regularly

Team building can be an annual meeting. If the experience is repeated, it becomes part of the business. The employees are waiting for it and are eager to find out about the activities on the program. Please note that these activities may change from year to year! If you want more competitiveness in your teams, then you can bet on a sporting activity. If you want to work on creativity, artistic or culinary activities are perfect.

Who organizes the team building activities?

Team building activities can be organized by the company itself. In this case, the management works with the human resources department and a few selected employees. It is also possible to call on an external service provider who will organize the entire stay or a tailor-made team building activity. Finally, be aware that there are team building activities that can be followed remotely!