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Covid-19:10 tips for dealing with the crisis

Covid-19:10 tips for dealing with the crisis

Because of the Covid-19 epidemic, the French economy is operating in slow motion and many French people are struggling to make ends meet. We've got 10 easy-to-follow tips for saving money every day.

The Covid-19 crisis in figures

Following the arrival of Covid-19, many people in France lost their jobs or went into partial unemployment. Spending by 55%[1] of households increased by an average of €200[2] (food, family support, digital equipment for online courses). This situation also resulted in an 18% drop in household consumption[3].

People have therefore seen their purchasing power drop significantly. Tips for spending less are welcome. Here are 10 good plans to know to deal with the crisis:

  1. We buy in bulk

On any item, the packaging is expensive. The packaging must be designed and then produced. By buying in bulk, you choose products that are exempt from this manufacturing cost, which makes a big difference. Another advantage, you buy the quantity you really need. No overconsumption or need to buy two boxes, you can take what you need, no more and no less. To find places to shop in bulk, you can use the Day by Day mobile application, which will tell you where to shop and give you recipes, or the Mes Courses en Vrac site.

  1. We limit single-use purchases

Increasingly criticized for their environmental impact, single-use items are often quite expensive if you do the math. Cotton, make-up remover wipes, cotton buds, cling film, hygienic protection, nappies... All these disposable products can be replaced by washable versions. If they are more expensive to buy, they quickly pay for themselves because you can use them for a long time, while reducing your waste. If you are looking for where to buy your reusable products, go to Alternativi, or to Pozette, which offers reusable objects made in France.

  1. We share the babysitting

Regardless of the economic climate, it is important to take time for yourself and try to enjoy pleasant moments, but a babysitter can be expensive. It can then be useful to get closer to neighbors or friends to organize alternating childcare. You can entrust your children to your loved ones for free or at a lower cost and return the favor. A solution to make significant savings.

  1. Meals in the canteen are reduced

When you work, leaving your children in the canteen for lunch is very practical, but the average cost of a meal in the canteen being €7.33[4], it can be more expensive than having them eat at home. You can then use a technique similar to that of babysitting:take turns with other parents to welcome the children at lunchtime. For example, two days at your house, two at their house, and the remaining day at the canteen.

An app against waste

Food stores often have unsold items that are a shame to waste. Thanks to the Too Good To Go application, it's ancient history! It offers its subscribers the opportunity to pick up unsold items from several brands at reduced prices.

  1. We get on the bike and scooter for short trips

We too often have the reflex to use our car for everything and anything, but this is not without consequence. We spend gas every time on short trips where cycling, scooters and even walking would have sufficed. You can also use applications to rent vehicles:Lime for electric scooters and Vélib for bicycles. Slightly changing habits at this level can be very effective. According to a Swedish study, driving a car rather than a bicycle would be 6 times more expensive. Something to motivate you to use your bike.

  1. We buy clothes differently

When we know that we buy an average of 30 kilos of clothes per year and per person, and that only 2.5 kilos are recycled[5], we think that there is a good margin for improvement. So remember to buy your clothes on resale sites or in thrift stores. They will cost much less. You can also put your own stuff up for sale to get some cash back. Bet on the essential Vinted, Videdressing or Vestiaire Collective.

  1. We customize our furniture

Are you tired of your furniture, but don't necessarily have the means to buy new ones? You can customize them by repainting them for example. You can also change them up or down for a bit of novelty. Also think about second-hand purchases on leboncoin, where you can find very beautiful pieces at attractive prices.

  1. We track down good deals

To save money on a daily basis, you can rely on mobile applications that tell you where to find interesting discounts and promotions. Two apps to know:Ma Réduc, an app that offers you discounts in various areas every day, and Coupon Network, which is full of good deals and discount coupons. All you have to do is scan the products to enjoy them.

Cheaper healthcare costs

At any time, you can get sick or have an accident. Care can quickly become expensive, which is why it is essential to have good mutual insurance to cover as many costs as possible. La Mutuelle Mieux-Être notably offers 100% health supplements for all, for 100% coverage in optics, dental and audiology on defined baskets.

  1. We take advantage of sales such as Black Friday, French Days…

Each year, several events take place in stores and on the Net to offer you exclusive promotions on many products. Fashion, cosmetics, furniture, household appliances… You will find everything and be able to shop at very competitive prices. Do not hesitate to inquire and consult the discounts offered.

  1. We control our energy consumption

When you know that heating and hot water represent 75% of the energy expenditure of a French household, the first thing is to ensure that you have good insulation to avoid energy losses. Also remember to adapt the heating according to the time of day. If you want to easily control your consumption, download the Ecojoko application which gives you your consumption in real time. For its part, the Engie application allows you to consult your bills and know where you are in your energy expenditure.

Food, shopping, energy expenditure, transport… You can save money in all areas by adopting a few simple actions. You will quickly see the results.


[1] Udaf study.

[2] Udaf study.

[3] OFCE.

[4] Report of the Court of Auditors.

[5] Consoblog.