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Household:10 green grandmother's recipes

Household:10 green grandmother s recipes

Do you want to turn to a household that is both more ecological and more economical? Thanks to three basic ingredients (white vinegar, baking soda and black soap), it is possible to clean your house naturally. Here is a selection of 10 grandmother's tricks that work, easy to implement at home!

The three basic ingredients

Industrial cleaning products found on the market are often more expensive, and contain chemical additives that can be harmful to both health and the environment. They can also be abrasive to certain surfaces. However, it is possible to turn to more ecological, less expensive and equally effective alternatives.

White vinegar, baking soda and black soap make it possible to clean almost the whole house in a natural and ecological way.

  • White household vinegar is different from food vinegar. It is concentrated at 14% alcohol and can be found in the cleaning department of the house. It mainly allows to purify and descale surfaces. It is mainly used in the bathroom and kitchen.
  • For its part, baking soda is a real Swiss army knife:it eliminates bad odors, cleans, degreases and removes stains from certain textiles.
  • Finally, black soap, another basic ingredient to have at home, also allows you to degrease surfaces. It is used diluted in water, as a product for floors, kitchens and bathrooms.

The 10 cleaning tips

  1. Wash the windows

To wash your windows without leaving traces, nothing could be simpler. Spray pure white vinegar on them, then wipe with a microfiber cloth. Vinegar helps clean windows, removes streaks and makes them shine!

  1. Remove fruit stains

Have you made a red fruit stain on a textile? Pour boiling water over the linen, then rub with a few drops of black soap. The stain will quickly disappear!

  1. Wash all types of floors

Black soap (which can also be replaced by liquid Marseille soap) can be used to clean all floors:parquet, tiles, laminate, etc. To do this, dilute a capful of liquid black soap in a one-liter bucket of water, then clean your floor with a cloth mop. You can then rinse the floor with clear water if it is particularly dirty or greasy.

  1. Degrease the kitchen

Black soap is ideal for degreasing surfaces, especially in the kitchen. It can be used with a sponge, to clean the inside of the oven, the microwave, for the worktop or the hobs.

  1. Remove bad smells

Do you have bad odor problems at home? Clogged pipes, cigarettes, frying:whatever the reason, to purify the air and remove these disturbing odors, use baking soda! You can put a small amount in a cup and place it in a strategic place in the room.

  1. Descale the bathroom

Traces of limestone on the taps, on the shower or the bathtub are commonplace. Whether for use on the pipes or the walls of the shower cubicle, white vinegar is your ally. The ideal is to spray it generously on the surfaces, then let it sit for 10 or 15 minutes before removing the product by rubbing with a sponge.

  1. Detaching a textile

Wine stain on the sofa? Grease on a cushion? Don't panic:baking soda can save your textile. Just sprinkle it on the stain quickly, and let the powder absorb the liquid. You can then rub with a sponge soaked in water and black soap.

  1. Soften the laundry

Do you want to find an alternative to fabric softener? Replace it with white vinegar! When you wash your laundry, it is the limestone contained in the running water that tends to make it rough. By including 2 or 3 tablespoons of white vinegar in the softener tray during washing, you soften your laundry, while maintaining the washing machine by preventing it from scaling up. This small amount will not leave an odor on the laundry. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to flavor it!

  1. Make the glasses shine

Just like for windows, white vinegar makes glasses shine. When you do your dishes by hand, simply rinse the glasses with white vinegar after washing. Another option:pour it into the dishwasher as a rinse aid, mixing 50% water and 50% white vinegar.

  1. Scrubbing the baking sheets

To properly clean your baking sheets, sprinkle baking soda on them. Spray a little water on it to form a sort of paste, which you leave for a few minutes. You can then scrub with a sponge or scraper.

Do you want to eliminate certain household products that can be harmful to your health? Thanks to these grandmother's tips, switch to a more natural cleaning at home! Discover more wellness tips in our health newsletter , to be received by email.