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4 leadership tips for times of constant change

The COVID-19 crisis has spawned a deluge of advice from consultants and academics to double down on empathy, be transparent and over-communicate in order to run your business by change. This advice is wise but delivered on a false thesis.

Unlike a crisis such as COVID-19 – which we will eventually get through – there is no other side when it comes to change and uncertainty. Change is constant and certainty is fleeting.

In business, change no longer has a beginning, middle, and end (if it ever did). Every business is in a continuous cycle of change and adaptation. Leaders don't need a set of guidelines that they will shelve until the next crisis hits. If you lead mindfully, the leadership tools you are sharpening every day during this crisis can allow you to thrive as a leader in this ever-changing “normal” world.

What is a change leader?

Executives or managers who don't think they are change leaders are fooling themselves and ignoring the most important part of their job. To stay afloat during times of intense change (and even thrive in them), leaders and managers must become change leaders.

Change leaders embrace disruption and see the change it brings as an essential part of staying relevant, fresh, and creative. Once leaders have adopted this mindset in their day-to-day lives, they should strive to instill the same mindset throughout their company.

Fortunately, anyone can take these four steps to begin the transformation to becoming a resilient, change-ready leader, even now:

1. Remove past and present attachments.

I have always said that it is easier to look to the future than to let go of the past. Attachment to the past – and to the present – ​​is a real human trait. But as difficult as it is, it is necessary to let go of this attachment to see the current situation clearly.

In order to identify the best solutions, you must first recognize the assumptions, norms and mindsets of the past; recognize how they have served you; and consciously and collectively let them go. Keeping them in times of constant change encourages tunnel vision and widens your blind spots, which could have disastrous consequences for your business.

I know that for me, I have to go through a process of recognizing how a habit or action served me in the past but is no longer relevant in the present. I honor it and let it go.

Earlier in my career, for example, I took on a very large and strategic initiative, and the scope of my responsibilities quadrupled overnight. I had always prided myself on being a very committed and practical manager, but now I had to admit that my way of leading would no longer work and that I had to reinvent my leadership mindset, habits and actions. This process wasn't easy:I tried many alternatives, tested and learned new actions, and ditched attachments I wasn't even aware of.

Businesses are no different. While your business roadmap may have been valid yesterday, there is no guarantee that it will lead to success tomorrow. You should expect circumstances to change and prepare yourself and your teams to respond accordingly.

Research tells us that leaders who anticipate the future – even when that future is uncertain – do better in the long run. How are you and your teams preparing?

You can start by collaborating on a journey map of how your business got to the current point. Simply ask your team to look back over a set period of time and ask people to identify a high point (the accomplishment, pivot or outcome that they are personally very proud of) and a low point (the event , circumstances or outcome that taught them the most). Tell these stories on a single journey map and identify what to let go of and what to learn from the past to move forward into the future.

2. Be inclusive and decisive.

Urgency often requires quick decision-making and decisive behaviors from leaders. In times of crisis, there may be a tendency to make important decisions alone or in small groups. It seems like the fastest option, but it's the wrong decision in an environment that changes as quickly as ours and where no one can get the right perspective and all the necessary information.

Because change cannot be forced or micromanaged in a company, the only logical alternative is to be inclusive at scale. Not everything is up for debate:your general direction is usually defined (this is the “what”), and the actions to be implemented (the “how”) require significant input. By involving more people in the process, you gain atypical perspectives, unique insights, and rare insights that will help you form a more innovative, forward-thinking solution.

There are countless ways to solicit ideas and feedback from your team, ranging from group brainstorming sessions to one-on-one meetings and even online polls. You can begin to bring your team's insights together by creating a shared view of current threats, conditions, opportunities, and strengths that are advantageous in the current circumstances. The key is to explore different viewpoints together to get a common view.

As an example, one of my consulting firm's clients recently merged with another company and needed to create a new vision statement and outline their culture. To gather ideas and ensure people have a chance to stand out, we hosted several virtual focus groups with employees from four different continents in one week.

When diverse groups can thoroughly discuss and debate options for action, all parties are more likely to unite around the final decision, even if it's not their preferred outcome. Encouraging true inclusion from the start fosters engagement.

3. Work with your team to consider other vision-driven directions.

Again, the future is impossible to predict and change is guaranteed, but it is certainly possible to define different ways to achieve your overall business vision. In fact, it's a great exercise in aligning employees with your mission.

To do this, identify at least three strategic directions that take distinct paths toward achieving your company's vision. Work together and outline these directions in enough detail to make them feel real. Also, remember to pay attention to past assumptions, norms, or mindsets that should be let go. Really lean in to imagine that each direction could be the way you go. This exploration will illuminate the choice that emerges. You can then chart a single direction that is right for your business now.

At one of our software clients, senior team members were a perfect fit with the need to grow. The lack of alignment however was Comment grow. We have mapped out three alternative directions for the future as a starting point. At an offsite meeting of the leaders, we organized them into small groups so that each could explore a single direction.

Their job was to figure out how to make that direction work – as if it were the chosen direction. This forced some people to think of a direction that was not their original idea. Some even had to advocate for something they initially opposed. After understanding the directions and all the arguments for and against each one, they could align themselves with one direction and, to their surprise, drop the direction they preferred at the start of the meeting.

4. Demonstrate emotional balance. (In other words, be human.)

Right now people are living with high levels of threat. These can be real or perceived, and they can also be emotional or physical. Pretending that the current level of uncertainty and ambiguity does not affect you – or them – is not sustainable. Provide the right kind of encouragement and never use fear as motivation. Instead, help employees discover positive reasons to adapt to change.

For example, one of our clients distributes medical supplies and this work has never seemed so critical and useful. The changes initiated by this company support this heroic goal, which means that they are also positive motivators. Not all businesses have such a strong connection to the current crisis, but all businesses can find a positive reason for change (rather than just changing to stave off failure).

At the same time, be sure to balance your optimism with realism. An overly optimistic leader may seem out of touch with reality and lose the trust of their team. Acknowledge the high levels of stress and risk that can accompany change while sending the message that everyone will understand this together.

To do this, invest in your employees and show them that they are part of the solution. Check in often, ask about their performance, and write down the response. You may not be able to answer every problem or concern, but you will understand their realities and needs much better.

With practice, you can reframe the change from one threat to another life condition. You can practice seeing opportunities and possible trends in times of change; in fact, seeing the opportunities where you saw the threats is soothing (and even energizing). You can also lead your teams in this practice.

A question I often ask myself is:When is it time to work now? Now is the time to see how you prepare for these ever-present trading conditions and how to react to them. Recognize your mindset and change it as you navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Remember that your business will go through this crisis and will always have to deal with change. The changes your business is experiencing today will bring more changes and new uncertainties down the road. With practice, you will see these changes as opportunities.

Although it is impossible to predict the future, it is essential to prepare for inevitable change. Adapting to this change requires a muscle that gets stronger with use. Over time, you and your team can learn to feel energized by uncertainty and leverage it to encourage innovation.

Kathryn Clubb

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Kathryn Clubb is the Change and Transformation Manager at BTS, an organization that works with leaders at all levels to help them make better decisions, turn those decisions into actions, and drive results. After serving as Strategy Partner at Accenture, Kathryn served as Chief Innovator at WHWest, Inc. With decades of experience helping companies transform and execute strategy, Kathryn has extensive experience working with a variety of leading global organizations.

Kathryn Clubb

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