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What I would like to know about entrepreneurship before starting

What is one thing you wish you knew about entrepreneurship before you started?

It's normal to have a lot of extreme highs and lows. The company has all my heart, which is a huge plus for the company, but it can be difficult to maintain. It is important to have a support group of entrepreneurs to talk to and learn from. I was lucky to have it.

—Heidi Hertel, Founder of Fitz Frames

How hard. I know it might sound obvious, but as a company I think we make entrepreneurship really glamorous. You hear stories of people who started from scratch and made it big, and it's not as common to hear about all the entrepreneurs who failed, let alone how the sacrifices and tough decisions you have to make can impact your personal life.

—Mada Seghete, co-founder of Branch

Know who to listen to and be very careful about the advice you take. Everyone wants to give advice, but you need to know who you're going to give that advice to. A successful CEO told me to sell, but I didn't take his advice. My business has still been successful even though we sell directly to customers.

—Daisy Jing, Founder of Banish

Entrepreneurship is not a job, it is a career and it is a lifestyle choice. Once you start down this path, you are making a decision that could impact the rest of your life. You might never go back to America or work for someone else, so once you've made that leap of faith, returning might not be an option. Entrepreneurs must continually create, invent and start new projects.

—Georgianna W. Oliver, Founder of Package Concierge

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