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5 ways to know if you can get started with your plan

Sometimes you have an idea in your head about something you want to start. But you are doubting, because is this what you want to do? Can you do it? Or will it be profitable? If you ever find yourself in a rut or experience a passion for a project, stick with your idea until you feel confident about the following points below and then execute it.

1. You have a list of clients
Whether it's a list of past clients or newcomers, you need a solid group to go out with you. If you don't already have one, think about posting ads and newsletter subscriptions to create awareness. Remember that your business cannot exist without customers, so get them on board early and quickly.

2. You have funding for the project and some cash on hand
If something bad happens, you want to be financially prepared. Alternatively, when something good happens, you want to be able to invest money in your project. Regardless of your situation, knowing your finances and how to protect yourself is critical.

3. You have a prototype that has been tested and confirmed
If that means a physical product, make sure it has been tested, reviewed and retested. If it's a service, try it on as many friends and family as you can. Most people spend most of their time doing this, as they should, perfecting and adapting to what they do best.

4. You have a plan
It doesn't have to be a perfect plan, let alone the right one. It just has to be an idea, a dream, a goal of where you hope to go. Don't worry about following it. Make sure to refer to it when it gets hard to remember where you're going.

5. You feel confident
Whether you need retail space or meeting suppliers, feel confident. It will often be assumed that you do not know what you are talking about and that can shake your self-confidence. Take this as a time to show off everything you've worked so hard for and remind yourself that no one can take your mind off your idea unless you let it.