Family Best Time >> Work

In Japan, you can go to the office with your cat

Since June 24, 2015, the National Assembly has added burnout to the list of occupational diseases. In fact, in recent years, work-related illnesses have been on the rise all over the world. Well in Japan, a business leader has found a solution to fight against burnout, an idea that is even beginning to be copied throughout the country. Hidenobu Fukuda is the boss of the computer company Ferray. In 2000, he had the idea thanks to the request of one of his collaborators, to accept that his employees go to the office with their cats. Since then, nine cats have been prowling the offices, they can eat and sleep freely throughout the company premises. We love the concept!

Anti-stress animals!

After seeing that the presence of these felines improved the quality of work of employees, other Japanese companies imitated this idea. The firm Pasona Group even hired two goats and two alpacas in 2011, partly for therapeutic purposes. Since the presence of these animals in companies, employees claim to feel less anxiety and stress. When they sleep, other employees confirm that it brings a certain calm. An original concept that we would like to see arrive in France!