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Job:the open space makes concentration difficult

At work, it is sometimes difficult to concentrate. We listen to colleagues, we look out the window, we check our phone for the 50th time of the day... Inevitably, our productivity takes a hit! It must be admitted that in open space, distractions are numerous. Indeed, by dint of having knocked down the partitions to create friendly workspaces, then having solved the problem of noise, now a new problem arises, identified by the Wall Street Journal> as "visual noise".

Added stress

In an open space, the space is arranged so that the offices are close. Being close to colleagues who work on the same subjects as us is encouraging and increases productivity since we can talk to each other directly. The problem is that all the movements present in our field of vision disturb our ability to concentrate, to different levels depending on each one (and that, we can't help it, it's our brain that is programmed like that! ). It can even be a source of stress, because if you see a group of people together, you wonder what you are missing. And the fact of being visible to everyone puts additional pressure on us:we would tend to stay in front of the screen to do like the others rather than taking a break when we need it or just going to brainstorm with others. colleagues.

Solutions to test

When concentrating at the office becomes impossible, what to do? Some companies are redesigning the work floors as a kind of labyrinth, with fairly high partitions, nooks and plants to separate employees. Others allow workers to isolate themselves in sofas where they can work from their laptops or in small rooms to make calls. Finally, some companies even go so far as to repaint the walls in gray to reduce the “visual noise” of flashy colors.

Anyway, if you suffer from concentration problems related to the open space, you don't hesitate and talk to your boss. Surely there is a solution…