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Women make better managers than men

We will not teach you anything if we tell you that in the world of work, women suffer from discrimination, both in terms of wages and their representation in positions of responsibility. Are women less good managers? Not at all, according to a recent study conducted by Professor Øyvind L. Martinsen, who teaches at BI Norwegian Business School. After studying the personality and characteristics of nearly 3,000 managers, he and his team came to the conclusion that in just about every area, women are better managers than men.

More qualified

The researchers studied 5 main criteria:initiative and communication; openness and the ability to innovate; sociability and support; management methods and the ability to set goals and emotional stability and the management of work-related stress. The conclusion is clear:women are better than men, except for the last criterion. “These findings necessarily question the current construction of the hierarchy and the current place of women in it,” explained Professor Martinsen. And if the lack of emotional stability is often an argument raised to justify the lack of women in positions of responsibility, we cannot "ignore the fact that they are truly more suited to management positions than men", declared Professor Lars Glasø, co-author of the study. “If people in charge of recruiting decide to ignore this, they can effectively employ less qualified managers, which has an impact on productivity. That's it...