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6 ways to make better decisions

How do leaders use themselves, especially in the area of ​​making good decisions? The input of the group is very valuable for the best decisions; however, overconfidence can cause a leader to go it alone when he or she deems it appropriate. This usually leads to the erosion of others' trust in the executive's ability to lead.

Related: 10 Ways Successful People Make Smart Decisions

There are two myths that distort the process:
Myth 1:Decisions should be made at the highest level.
Decisions made at the highest level are not always the best decisions for the organization. When this happens, issues aren't fixed — they're temporarily postponed. If that person is surrounded by like-minded thinkers, then the illusion of a good decision might lull them into a sense of comfort with the situation.
Myth 2:Good decisions result from consensus.
An element that promotes good decision-making is to see a problem from several angles. Without it, there is no deviation from accepted standards, no diversity of thought and no dissension.
It doesn't happen automatically, nor is it our natural tendency. It should be intentional with built-in mechanisms that ensure more than one perspective. This fosters creative solutions.
Abraham Lincoln was the surprise winner of a hard-fought primary filled with personal attacks and coup attempts. Lincoln won and then did something that surprised everyone. He put the same men he fought with in his cabinet. He called them his Team of Rivals. They provided a variety of perspectives and tension-filled solutions that avoided the yes-man groupthink that marks so many presidential cabinets.
Now you can't put rivals on your team, but the Lincoln's point is well taken. There must be the right amount of creative friction to produce the creative tension needed to refine new ideas and challenge old assumptions.
A good leader will know the boiling point so that the tension does not become dominant or fail to melt the team.
Here's the real danger:Team discussion can quickly close, followed by undue pressure to act on that decision without buy-in from those doing the work. The result is slow execution that hits another domino where leaders now feel the need to micromanage and mandate.
Organizations need to have their own decision-making process in place that utilizes their greatest asset:people. By doing so, the executive now truly leads all team members.
As you lead your team, try these six guidelines for better decision-making:

1. Rethink old solutions.

It hasn't worked before, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be tried again. Maybe with the current changes and some adaptation it might work better.
2. Go slow to go fast.
Don't be in a hurry; it can prevent you from asking the right questions. There is a time for opportunity, but quick decisions aren't always the best. If you feel there is urgency, ask what is influencing this. Why the rush? Can we allow more research and contributions?

"Be quick, but not in a hurry. – John Wooden

3. Operate at the intersection of order and chaos.
There is no need for full control. Release the reins of discussion. Don't focus on power – focus on leadership that welcomes alternative solutions. Develop a culture that values ​​multiple perspectives. Egos must be checked at the door, and dissenting opinions are not personal attacks.
4. Listen.
The best way to do this is to ask clarifying questions. Let them know you heard them and deepen their thinking.
5. Look for the right information, no more information.
The best solutions come from spending more time defining the problem. Clarification of the problem, goal or objective crystallizes the search for information.
6. Do good enough decisions.
We rarely make the right decision 100%. Sometimes a good decision now is better than a perfect decision later. This is essential to remember in today's fast-paced world.
When it comes to decision-making, effective leaders know when to let go of control. They delegate and build trust in others. They see their team's successes as a way to leverage their own leadership skills.

Related: 4 steps to making decisions with confidence

This post originally appeared on .