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7 simple tips that will make you a powerful leader

7 simple tips that will make you a powerful leader

You don't have to be in a position of authority to be a leader. Conversely, just because you have authority doesn't mean people will follow you. You must Be a leader so that others follow you.

There are many books on leadership. They may contain many examples and detailed explanations, but sometimes you just need something simple to help you focus on the essentials. This article intends to do just that. These are the habits that will help you and your team achieve great things if you focus on them.

  1. Goals

    Make it simple and easy for your team to understand the mission and understand their role in achieving it.

    • Concise objectives. Keep them simple and easy to understand.
    • Focus your team on as few goals as possible.
    • Communicate the goals of the often team and through various means (team meetings, individual meetings, emails, posters, slogans). And then start again.
    • Track progress on goals.
    • Involve team players in tracking goals so they take ownership of the results.
  2. Motivate people

    What you reward is accomplished. It's so simple.

    • Incentive team players must complete the most critical tasks to achieve team goals. Make sure the rewards are meaningful to people. Understand each player and what they want from their job and life. This is how you will know how to reward them.
    • Praise, thank and acknowledge large and small contributions from individuals. Do it often and start again.
    • Set high expectations. People will live UP or DOWN to the expectations you set. Put them high and you say, "I believe in your ability to do great things!" »
    • Enable people by delegating responsibility.
    • Celebrate team accomplishments often.
    • Encourage fun . Make the workplace a fun place. Yes, the work needs to be done, but short fun breaks can make all the difference in your team culture.
    • Pride . Foster a sense of pride in your team. As a team, you can create a mascot, create a team chant, and host a meeting that focuses only on each individual's strengths and the team's overall strengths.
  3. Practice your speech
    You have to practice what you preach. This is how you build trust and credibility.

    • Model the track participating in team tasks as much as your position allows.
    • Be honest . Keep your promises. Actions speak louder than words.
    • Challenge yourself . Do your best (and more) just as you ask your team to do their best.
    • Speak. Just like your team members sometimes need to let you know what they did so you can recognize and praise them. They, in turn, need to know what you've been working on and what you've accomplished. So find ways to communicate that, by modeling that key behavior.
    • Stay Sharp . You have to be competent to get others to follow you. If you're not improving, you're falling behind. Always learn and stay on top of the latest skills, technologies and knowledge in your field.
  4. Inspire thanks to a combination of
    • Positive and unwavering vision for the future
    • Commitment to improve things along the way that will make this positive vision a reality.
    • Ability to bootstrap as needed when resources are limited.
  5. Process power
    A good process is like having a high performance machine. A botched process causes things to fall apart. So be sure to establish these key habits with your team.
    • Establish routines . Do this for the team and also work with each individual to create their own high productivity routines. These are routines that dictate what work is done when.
    • Establish processes for all repeated tasks. It takes time to set up at first, but after that it will pay off in time saved and fewer mistakes. Processes describe how work is done and may involve systems for doing the work.
    • Task assignment. As much as possible, assign tasks based on each teammate's strengths.
  6. Change
    Embrace change by seeking it. This will pave the way for your teammates.
    • Change routines quarterly . Look for better ways to achieve team goals.
    • Take risks . Don't be afraid of failure. No one ever reaches great heights without a few failures.
    • Learn . Learn chess as a team. “How can we improve it next time?”
    • Encourage team members must also take smart risks by guaranteeing failure. Focus on learning from past experiences and building on these to find better solutions.
  7. Advocacy
    Support your team and they will support you.
    • Promote your team members . Make sure others outside of your team know about each team member's successes. You want your team members to excel and even eventually break away from your team. Do not worry. If your team is great, there will be plenty of others who want to join! This natural renewal of team members is like the renewal of cells in your body. It is necessary and healthy.
    • Promote your team . It's your job to market your team's great accomplishments to get the rewards, recognition, and resources your team deserves.
    • Fight for the most important resources and changes that will benefit your team and the organization in general. Remember to choose your battles wisely.

What else do you think is essential for a good leader? Got a good story? Please share comments. We would love to hear from you!