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Household tips that can save you money

We are already in the second month of the new year, and you may have been frugal in January after the expensive December month, but it has now crept in a bit and you have fallen back into your old spending pattern. Don't worry, you can still do something about this! We have therefore listed some household tips here that will help you save money this year.

Saving on housing costs
A large part of the income goes to the rent or mortgage. If you rent a house, check whether you are entitled to housing benefit, and if you are already receiving this, check whether the amount still applies to your income. Perhaps you can get more because, for example, you have started to earn less, or you have become unemployed. If you have a mortgage you can sometimes take advantage of the current low interest rates. Perhaps closing is an option.

Saving on fixed costs
Fixed costs are the second major expenditure item in the budget. This includes insurance, gas, water, electricity, internet, telephone and television and taxes. Take a thorough look at the different insurance policies such as liability insurance, home contents insurance and health insurance, whether they are necessary and whether you can switch to a cheaper one. The consumption of gas, electricity and water also depends on the size of the home and the composition of the household. The rates of the energy supplier also play a role in this. For example, you can compare energy on an energy comparator. This way you can find the cheapest energy supplier and save a lot of money. You can also see if it can be cheaper for internet, telephone and television, which is often included in one package. Who actually uses a landline these days? Taxes are a major expense. Make sure that all costs are deducted and if necessary call in help if you are not very good at this.

Save on transport costs
Fuel prices can be expensive if you use the car often. Leave these more often and walk more often or take the bicycle or public transport. This is much more beneficial.

Saving on living expenses
Food, clothing and outings should of course not be forgotten. You can also easily save on this. Compare prices at different supermarkets and also try to buy cheaper brands as much as possible and go to market. You don't have to buy clothes every month, but if you do buy something, do it in the sale or a cheap store. Sign up for newsletters and keep an eye on the bargains. You can keep outings cheap by keeping an eye on coupons or by choosing things that don't cost that much money.

We hope these tips motivate you to save a lot of money!