Family Best Time >> Work

Can Duboss impose my work clothes on me?

We do as we want… in theory

One condition:wear “decent” attire. We work at the counter of a bank and we persist in tumbling down in jogging? Duboss can punish us, even fire us. But, basically, as long as our outfit isn't "detrimental to the business", we're free!

Except in some cases

According to the labor code, we can be required to dress, hairstyle, make-up… if it is justified. It's sure that working at Sephora without a touch of make-up or at Dessange with loose hair, it's messy. In the hotel or event industry (if you are a hostess), it is very likely that the uniform will be required. In any case, it must be stipulated in the internal regulations, the collective agreement or the employment contract. If we refuse? Here again, we take the risk of being ejected, and for serious misconduct, in addition!

And who pays for the outfit?

If it's a uniform, whether the clothes bear the company logo or are sold there (in a clothing store, for example), Duboss supplies! Otherwise, we manage to find a little black skirt at H&M (would miss him imposing an outfit that costs an arm!).