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5 tips from Harvard for self-management

1 - The best way to manage your "to do list"

1 / Systematically accomplish 3 important things on your list before noon. Why ? Morning shifts have been proven to be more productive. Your lunch thus becomes a real break to be fully savored (much more than those days when you took 4 coffee breaks in each service to say "hello", debriefed on your Tinder meeting the day before with Lou the intern, etc.).

2 / Sequence your projects in parts, and start with the longest / heavy / boring tasks, so that you save the shortest and best for the end. The opposite would give you a big blow of demotivation before the end of the day.
3 / As the spirit develops on repetition, try to deal with several similar projects at the same time, to create a dynamic .

> Read also:How to improve your life in 5 emails?

2 – Pretend you have what you want

The mind is our most powerful tool and when ruled by fear, frustration or worry, it can quickly become our greatest enemy. When you fear something, you think about it way too much, almost imprinting it on your body…and making it worse anyway. Instead, get used to doing this exercise:pretend you have what you want.

For example, behave exactly as if those around you respect you, as if your customers are loyal, etc. It may be a fantasy, but the fact of believing that no one respects you may also be one… However, it is better to act when you feel confident:it is easier to get what you want .

> Read also:3 tips for a hit at dinner parties

3 – Schedule meetings with… you

How to keep your job by delivering the best? Each week, take a critical hour to reflect on your recent failures, conflicts, the possibilities that have been offered to you, the comments of others… Observe what you have answered, what worked or not, how you could have be more efficient. Never cancel this crucial meeting with yourself, which can take place in a café, in a public garden, in your bed... in short, somewhere where you feel good.

> Read also:Crying in front of your webcam:an anti-sadness weapon?

4 – Put yourself under the pressure of the 1st day (every day)

Don't wait for your boss to put pressure on you, do it yourself by always asking yourself what you would do if it was your first day in this job (when you're ready to pull out all the stops to produce the best ). This helps you take a step back from your current approach and re-energize yourself for each challenge.

> Read also:Job interview:what body language to adopt?

5 – Do not overdo yourself

One of the worst habits, the famous:"I am like that", which is sometimes used to claim uncool behavior. Stop believing that this character trait is essential, that you cannot change it, and that too bad if others suffer from it. On the contrary, see it as something to improve, you will be surprised to see how much we can change, when we want! And since everything can go very smoothly…

To read (it will also make you brush up on your English):Management Tips:From Harvard Business Review