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14 entrepreneurs on their top tips for letting go of stress

Unexpected setbacks are a part of life. As an entrepreneur, the ability to handle this stress and roll with the punches will determine whether you have what it takes to succeed, which means letting go of everyday stressors is crucial for you. that you can't control.

Since managing stress can make all the difference to prospects, productivity, and even the future success of their business, we asked members of the Young Entrepreneur Council how they let go of stress. Which tip do you think would work best for you?
1. Choose your battles.
Setbacks are inevitable. The more you continue to evolve, the more frequent they are. Instead of focusing on challenges that have limited impact in the grand scheme of things, focus on initiatives that will contribute to your long-term business success. Don't be afraid to admit mistakes too – you might actually receive bonus points for openly admitting you're not perfect.
Mario Peshev , DevriX
2. Focus on the positives.
There are always good things and bad things about a business. If you only focus on the bad things and never celebrate the successes, it will give you a skewed view of the business and could cause you to focus too much on the small details. We may think we have control, but in reality there is very little control on this planet. The Earth goes around the sun. Everything else is optional.
David Boehl , GraphicBomb
3. Shout in private.
Stress is zero. Running a business is difficult. And sometimes you are put in a terrible position (yes, maybe on your own initiative). The worst thing you can do is hide your frustration. Take the time – 10 minutes, two days, whatever – to really get the stress under control. Find a private place and even shout, letting your physical being in tune with your emotions. Then breathe and find out what you're going to do next.
Aaron Schwartz , Passport
4. Review what happened.
I like to review what happened in these situations to see what I learned and what I could do differently in the future. Learning from it helps me move forward.
Serenity Gibbons , NAACP
5. Laugh.
There is only what we can control, so why sweat what we can't? When you have a setback, laugh it off. Do what you need to do to get there, but don't let yourself get discouraged mentally. Chances are, if you look at your situation in the grand scheme of things, that setback will be nothing more than a blip on the road to your destination.
Zach Binder , Bell + Ivy
6. Write it down.
Sometimes worries can get stuck in our heads and constantly thinking about them is stressful. Writing will help you get them out of your head. Allow yourself to write down your worries in a worry notebook when they come to mind, but limit yourself to just a few minutes of writing, then move on.
Chris Christoff , MonsterInsights
7. Think about the worst-case scenario.
It can be very easy to find yourself in a low point if certain things aren't right for you. The easiest way to stay calm is to familiarize yourself with the idea of ​​the worst case scenario. So what's the worst that can happen? You may have to close your business and start over. By thinking about it often, you will quickly realize the important things in your life, such as your health and your family.
Sunny Desai , Desai Hotel Group
8. Think of it as an opportunity.
Every time I've had a so-called "setback" it's really been an opportunity in disguise. Sure, the road is a little bumpy at times, but because I focused on the changes, modifications, or upgrades needed to avoid the same problem in the future, I was able to turn each of them into a huge opportunity for growth that has made my life exponentially better moving forward.
Justin Faerman , Conscious Lifestyle Magazine
9. See the big picture.
Focus on the things you can control because wasting time on things you can't will wear you out. Decide which aspects of the problem you have control over and develop a clear plan for your next step, taking into account the resources you have to solve it. By focusing on what you can change, you'll feel empowered as you approach the situation, giving you the confidence you need to work through the problem.
Michael Hsu , DeepSky
10. Manage expectations.
Stress is usually caused by misaligned expectations – we expected an outcome in our minds, but something completely different happened in reality. If we drop expectations in our minds, we will experience less stress, especially when it is not in our control.
John Ginzburg , Jean
11. Respond rather than react.
In the event of a setback, it is important to maintain perspective. I remember answer rather than react to the problem in question, because how I react is 100% under my control. By looking at a problem rationally, I can develop ideas on how to overcome or move on from here. Maybe something didn't go the way I planned – it just means I have to find another way.
Stephen Beach , Craft Impact Marketing
12. Create a stress management plan.
To function more effectively, you need to take care of yourself by taking breaks and vacations, exercising, getting enough rest, and maintaining a balanced diet. Taking care of yourself will help you focus on what you can and cannot control. Also, remove unhealthy coping skills, like complaining, and remind yourself to meet friends or do a favorite activity when your stress level is high.
Blair Thomas , eMerchantBroker
13. Have faith.
As an entrepreneur with bipolar and generalized anxiety disorder, I know all about stress and setbacks. My strategy is simple but difficult:put my worries on God. He has broad shoulders. It may not be popular to say, but I trust him. We take care of our physical selves with diet, sleep, and exercise, but we must also take care of our spiritual selves with faith, prayer, and fellowship.
Robby Scott Berthume , Bull and Beard
14. Meditate, then move on.
Meditation is now part of my daily routine. It allows me to recognize all the stressors that come with being a CEO, while still being healthy and sane. Taking this time each day to breathe and write down the stressors of my day allows me to move forward with a clear head and a motivated mindset to get the job done.
Stanley Meytin , Real Cinematic Production