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Top 5 project management tips for beginners

Entering the workforce or a new job with your current company as a project manager? We learn a lot at the university and with programs for this position..

However, many parts of being a project manager are learned along the way and through experience. If you're stepping into the project manager role for the first time, here are just five project management tips to help you get started.

1. Use the right tools

How to Choose the Right Project Management Tools How to Use Microsoft OneNote for Project Management How to Use Microsoft OneNote for Project Management OneNote is the ideal collaboration tool for managing simple projects in small teams. And it is absolutely free. See how OneNote can help get your projects off the ground! Read More These applications will become your best friends throughout the life of your projects. If you're still up in the air to choose, here are the features to look for and suggestions to explore.

Ease of use

Using a tool that is intuitive in its design and features is more important than you think. You should use an app that is easy to understand from the start.

Cross-platform accessibility

Staying on top of project tasks and status is simple with tools you can use on both your computer and mobile device.

Top 5 project management tips for beginners

Useful features

Some apps are robust and fully featured. They allow you to create Gantt charts, team-specific calendars, task lists, baselines, automations, and much more. For professional project managers, comprehensive tools are convenient. This includes apps like Microsoft Project, Smartsheet, and Zoho Projects.

Other apps may not have all the bells and whistles like similar tools, but they may be easier to learn and include the exact features you need. For this situation, check out apps like Trello, Wrike, and Asana for tasks, collaboration, and simple tracking.

The bottom line is that you should determine which features you need and want more of, and then check out various tools to find out which one is best for you.

2. Use templates

You not only have to prepare for the project, but also the “paperwork” involved in managing it. From meeting planning to status reports and email updates, get ready for your project by collecting convenient and time-saving templates.

Templates come in all shapes and sizes, most commonly for Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. MakeUseOf has you covered with a variety of template articles for all your project needs.

  • Word Project Management Templates How to Manage Your Project with Word Templates How to Manage Your Project with Word Templates In project management, preparation is half the battle. To organize and document your project, you may need many different reports, forms, or plans. We've compiled a selection of Word templates to get you started. Read more
  • Excel Project Management Templates How to Make Your Project a Success with Excel Templates How to Make Your Project a Success with Excel Templates Excel templates are an essential tool in a project manager's portfolio effective. Even in the smallest project, templates can make your life easier and save a lot of time. We have compiled a selection. Read more
  • PowerPoint Project Management Templates The Best Free PowerPoint Templates For Your Project Presentation The Best Free PowerPoint Templates For Your Project Presentation How you present your project is at least as important as what you present because what your audience will remember is how you made yourself feel. Wow them with professional project management PowerPoint templates. Read more
  • OneNote Project Management Templates How to Adopt OneNote Templates for Project Management Adopting OneNote Templates for Project Management A wide selection of templates is one of the features that makes Microsoft OneNote a great tool for project management. Projects management. Let us show you how you can use OneNote templates in your project. Read more
  • Meeting Agenda Templates Top 15 Meeting Agenda Templates for Microsoft Word Top 15 Meeting Agenda Templates for Microsoft Word These meeting agenda templates for Microsoft Word can give you a excellent start to any type of meeting. Read more
  • Meeting Minutes Templates Top 12 Meeting Minutes Templates for Professionals Top 12 Meeting Minutes Templates for Professionals Here are the best meeting minutes templates for Microsoft Word, Microsoft OneNote, Evernote, and Google Docs. Read more

Top 5 project management tips for beginners

3. Be prepared for change

It would be wonderful if every project went exactly as planned from start to finish. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. Addressing project annoyances, like scope scope, is part of the job. However, other things are likely to come up that are out of your control.

Top 5 project management tips for beginners

  • You may have a team member who is unable to complete their tasks due to illness or emergency. This may require you to move quickly to bring in a new team member to finish tasks or even take care of yourself in some cases.
  • You may have a short-term system issue that is preventing your entire team from completing tasks. This might require everyone to work extra hours to make up time and stay on track.
  • You may have a supervisor who requires you to make changes requested by the client in the middle of the project. This will trigger an impact assessment and adjustments to tasks and deadlines.

So be prepared to handle change by being flexible and adaptable when problems arise.

4. Meet your team

Depending on your company and industry, you may have a permanent team or one that meets with each new project. Either way, knowing your team is an important part of managing a successful project. But this can be difficult if you are joining a new company or different department.

Top 5 project management tips for beginners

Listen and engage

When You Meet With Your Project Team 5 Tips to Help You Achieve the Perfect Pitch for Your Boss or Team 5 Tips to Help You Achieve the Perfect Pitch for Your Boss or Team Presenting to your boss can be an intimidating experience. Here are some tips to make sure your launch is perfect. Read More Listen to what they have to say, ask questions and encourage interaction. Be professional, but don't be afraid to throw in a little humor to break the ice.

Make annotations

Keeping track of your team members' tasks and deadlines is part of being a project manager. But taking notes on your team members can also help you get to know them better.

  • Is Bill always on time with status updates??
  • Does Carol have trouble speaking when she needs help??
  • Is Mark bad at meeting his deadlines??

Try jotting down notes during meetings, after one-on-one conversations, or while reading emails from team members. This will definitely help with current and future projects with them.

5. keep communicating

As a project manager, you expect communication. of your team . You want to be provided with status updates and have questions or concerns communicated to you. At the same time, you should plan to communicate specifics to your team as your project manager.

Hold regular meetings

To keep your team on track and on the same page, schedule regular project meetings. The best way to do this is to find a day and time that works best for your team and create a recurring weekly meeting. This lets your team know the routine and prepare accordingly.

Follow up after discussions

After each meeting, you should send a follow up to your team. Your email should include the meeting minutes and action items resulting from the discussion. This is when those cool templates can come in handy.

Top 5 project management tips for beginners

Provide status updates

As project manager, you'll likely be reporting progress to your immediate supervisor and possibly up the chain to the executive team. When changes are required from higher-ups, requests come from the client, or your team just gets praise for their work, be sure to share it with them.

Do you have project management tips to add?

Project management is often more about managing people How to Handle Difficult People as an IT Project Manager How to Handle Difficult People as an IT Project Manager A project manager needs to bring different people together to form a project team successful. There are some soft skills you can call on to keep the project and the team going. Read more about document management. Do you agree??

What things have you learned so far in your project management role? Are there interpersonal, professional, or personal skills that would help you the most in that position? Share your tips and advice with others who are new to this role by commenting below.