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How to prepare for an assessment interview?

The annual interview, a bad time to spend

This annual and individual meeting with his manager is an opportunity to take stock of the past year together... and therefore of his successes, but also of his failures. While it's never nice to hear negative things said, take comfort in knowing that it's not the greatest time for your boss either, even if he's the painful kind. And above all, be prepared. Arrive at the interview with small notes, containing your arguments to justify such objective not achieved or such failure, and your solutions to remedy it in the future. While acknowledging your mistakes, you will turn the tide and come across as invested, far-sighted and motivated.

Become an actor in your assessment interview

What if, instead of undergoing that one hour interview like every year, you decide to take it into your own hands? Indeed, you benefit from a privileged space for exchange with your manager to clearly express your ambitions, and define your professional project. Enjoy! Also, a few days before the interview, ask yourself the right questions:what do I expect from this interview? More responsibilities? New goals? A raise ? Then expand your argument accordingly. Giving a positive meaning to this moment of exchange will prevent you from stressing too much when approaching it, and from having responsiveness and consistency in front of your boss. And you could well gain in working comfort.

On the other hand, avoid emptying your bag:do not complain about personal matters and know how to remain pro until the end. And if you are overwhelmed by stress, give yourself a few quotes to calm down quickly. Good luck!