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How do you ask for a promotion?

Asking for a promotion is high on the list of the most terrifying activities in life. Taking yourself to the next level can be intimidating and the competition can be fierce. And, of course, what if they say no? But it's also one of the most important things you can do for your career. If you want to get ahead in your business or field, promotions are part of the game, not just handed to you – you have to work for it (and ask!). Ready to take the next step? Here's what you need to know before the big talk

1. Do your homework

The most important part of applying for a promotion is preparing on time. When you ask the question, you need to prove (with details) that you are ready for the next step. First, you want to show your boss what you've accomplished so far:it's a good measure of both your contributions and your future potential. List all your achievements to use as talking points. Did you take on a side project that grew into a new revenue stream? Have your sales goals doubled in less than six months? Doing a good job in your position is not enough to defend your case. You have to show that you have gone a step further.

Then determine the specific position you want and why you are ready. If you're asking to be an assistant manager, know what that entails and then show that you can fill the position. Want to become a team leader? Give examples of how you have successfully managed smaller projects or groups of people. Find concrete examples that prove you are the right person for the job.

2. Schedule the timing

There's no "perfect" time to ask for a promotion, but some times are definitely better than others. The easiest time to ask is at your annual (or semi-annual) review. It's an opportunity for both you and your boss to discuss how you're doing and where your career is headed.

Also think about your position in the company and what is going on within your department or team. Do people around you leave? Is your department merging with another, or are you repositioning yourself within the company? If there are a lot of general changes going on, this is an ideal opportunity to take it a step further and ask your boss where he/she sees you as a fit as the organization moves forward.

Finally, don't be put off by the gloomy economy. Even in these trying times, smart employers understand that their employees are one of their most valuable assets, and they want to keep (and reward) the best of them. You may get a smaller pay raise than people have in years past, but a promotion isn't just about the money:it's about more responsibilities, and hopefully you'll be rewarded when the economy starts to turn.

3. Ask for the conversation

If you decide to ask for a promotion when it's not an annual review time, plan ahead before approaching your boss. Send an email requesting a meeting and make it clear that you want to discuss your achievements and potential. You don't want to go into an interview and overwhelm your boss – giving them advance notice gives them time to think about your performance and what the company has to offer.

4. Know your numbers

One of the biggest career mistakes women make is not negotiating their salary. You shouldn't discuss grades until you're actually offered a promotion, but you should be willing to have the conversation if it arises. So do your research and know your worth, both inside and outside the company.

When the negotiations start, don't sell yourself short – it doesn't hurt to ask too much. That is the nature of the bargaining game:they can always offer you less than you ask, but they will never bid you more.

5. Continued

If you get the promotion, great! Get out there and celebrate – you deserve it! But if not, know that this isn't the end of the world, and more importantly, don't end the conversation just yet. Make sure you leave the conversation with an idea of ​​what will happen next. If now is not a good time to offer a promotion, ask your boss when you can come back for an interview. If he or she has said no based on your current qualifications, ask for feedback on steps you can take to gain experience and qualify for a promotion in the future.

Above all, know that if you are in the right position, your boss will be happy that you want to move forward. No one ever gets fired for asking for a promotion. But if you don't ask, you only have yourself with it.