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Is this a profession for you? This is how you become a VA!

It is of course not without reason that our platform focuses on working mothers, seasoned entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in the making. I love supporting women with their ambitions. I also like to take a look at the work that other women are doing. Now I see more and more ladies around me who (want to) become Virtual Assistants and some extra depth in this profession seemed good fodder for a blog. So are you self-employed and do you want to delve further into this profession? Or do you want to start your own business and become a VA, read on!

Table of contents

Become a virtual assistant; what do you do as a VA and what do you have to take into account?

Let's start at the beginning for those who would like to know what the profession of VA entails. Because what exactly does a Virtual Assistant actually do and if you want to become one, what kind of work will you have on your plate?

What is a Virtual Assistant

Actually, the word speaks for itself, and yet it says nothing at all. A Virtual Assistant is (of course) an assistant who can do all kinds of tasks to help another entrepreneur. Think of it as, for example, a secretary to a director, but online instead of on the case. Or think of it as an office manager who arranges everything around the office for a company. Or as an assistant who helps to create the invoices.

A Virtual Assistant is a professional who supports and advises other entrepreneurs virtually (from his own office). In practice, it appears that support activities are the most common. The SA ensures the execution of specific tasks or projects (discussed together) and any daily support tasks. Think of tasks such as:

  • Manage your client's website in terms of content
  • Set up/execute social media strategy
  • Set up internal systems or set up work processes
  • Sending newsletters
  • Setting up a communication strategy with associated image, such as a corporate identity
  • All administrative work (including invoicing)
  • Phone, calendar and email management
  • Developing quotations or making presentations
  • Maintain customer relationships

That is what a Virtual Assistant does, put in a nutshell, if you want even more information about what a VA can take on, check this task list.

How do you do that, become a Virtual Assistant?

I can imagine that your interest has been piqued. Just listing the most common activities of a Virtual Assistant makes you enthusiastic about this. Especially if this kind of work is a bit in you. You can present yourself as an all-round VA, but you can also choose a specialization and go all out. This way you can present yourself as a specialist in your field for the work you want to do. And in addition, you are also able to deliver work as a good advisor.

But becoming a VA comes with a lot more, of course. And that is why it is so wonderful that there will soon be an orientation week for those whose interest has been aroused by this article.

VA school is organizing this orientation week to give you the opportunity to follow all kinds of webinars and interactive live sessions around this topic for a week. Room to ask your own questions to newly started VAs is the highlight of the week. And you can follow a VA who shares her daily worries with you.

After this week you will know everything about the subject of becoming a VA, but also how to get to your customers as a Virtual Assistant, for example. You will hear from other SAs how they do it, what rates are common and what you can pay attention to to make your entrepreneurship a success. Do you doubt whether VA entrepreneurship suits you? Be sure to get more information during this week.

Become a virtual assistant without training

It's a question I've heard many times before. Do you need training to become a Virtual Assistant? The answer is simple; basically not. It is a liberal profession that can actually be performed by anyone. Just like coach. On the other hand, it may be nice for you to follow a course. In this way you provide a broad basic knowledge that you can use to get started as an assistant for other entrepreneurs.

But don't forget that your own work experience is just as important. Who knows, you might come from an industry where you as an employee have gained a lot of knowledge of certain systems. Or from administration, for example. As a SA, you can immediately use this knowledge with your customers.

become VA

Are you already self-employed and do you want to retrain yourself? Or if you want to transform your company into a Virtual Assistant, you can assume an annual turnover that fluctuates between 25,000 – 75,000 euros. Of course, this turnover differs per company and depends, among other things, on your expertise and work experience. Do not forget that becoming a VA in itself is not so much an art. The trick is to remain VA and bring in enough clients and work to achieve and maintain that revenue.

The latter is also a starting point for every entrepreneur who wants to keep his company running.

Would you like to become a Virtual Assistant?