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How to get a promotion at work

You already know how important it is to formulate clear salary expectations with your employer and to ask for a salary increase without fear. But a higher salary is not the only measure of growth. To be as marketable as possible to prospective employers, you should be able to demonstrate a history of consistent promotion to senior titles with heightened responsibility, including management. Would you like to get a promotion at work? Try these 5 techniques.

Never assume that your work will sell itself
It's no surprise that women are sometimes hesitant to promote themselves. Sometimes we even mistakenly assume that others will notice (and reward) our hard work without asking. The problem? Without speaking of what we have achieved, our contributions are not visible. And without visibility, we could miss important opportunities to show others what we have to offer (one of the keys to promotion based on your current role). After all, we must remember that the leaders of our organizations are busy people who are pulled in countless directions. That's why you need to stand out – and that means you need to talk. Don't be afraid to show off your skills, especially if you've gone above and beyond the requirements and expectations of your role.

Keep track of everything you have achieved
When we do something that has a positive impact on our colleagues or our company, we usually assume we'll remember to mention that achievement "when the time comes." But how many times have you tried to write a self-assessment? Or detailed reasons why you deserve recognition, and found yourself struggling to make a comprehensive list? To be promoted consistently, you need to be proactive about documenting what you accomplished, when and how it happened, and why it mattered. Here are some ways you can do that:
* Start a journal of the work you've done well (electronically or on paper)
* Save any emails from your co-workers, boss, or clients in a folder in your email account
* Insist on an ongoing review process that is not only annual, so you can not only get real-time feedback, but also have a regular opportunity to provide your supervisor with documentation about your success

Help and mentor younger staff
Many people make the mistake of focusing too much on supporting more senior colleagues and/or supervisors. While this is an important part of demonstrating responsibility, it's really just one way to prove you deserve a promotion. Remember that your supervisor is looking for evidence that not only will you be able to take on management responsibilities, but that you have mastered the requirements of your role.
To truly prove your suitability for In a new role, it's critical that you pay attention to the needs of colleagues who are lower on the ladder than you, whether you're guiding them through a complex task or asking them if they need help with anything. Be careful not to use this as an excuse to delegate work.

Be ready to take on open positions
When someone above you leaves for another company or position, you have a great opportunity. The departure creates a gap, and it's one you need to fill. Even though HR can recruit a new person, they save time and money by promoting someone internally and giving the job to someone who has already been trained for it. Without getting in the way of your supervisor or your colleagues, observe them closely, offer plenty of support and embrace training opportunities. That way, as they move forward, you can show that you're fully prepared to follow in their footsteps.

Always believe you deserve it While it may sound cliché, a confident attitude is key to convincing management that you can meet the heightened expectations of a promotion. This does not mean that you cannot doubt; in fact, the anxious anticipation of what the "next level" will bring is a normal response to professional change. Work hard on your confidence. It's really okay "to fake it until you make it." Ultimately, your beliefs will catch up with your actions.