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5 things you don't do right during a job interview

When you have a job interview, it is important to put your best foot forward. But some things that you think will do you good may not help you put yourself in a favorable light. While you may hope these things will help you sound "strong," they show that beneath your "hard" appearance, you may not be as mentally strong. Bragging about the wrong things can backfire and make you sound weak. Here are five things people brag about all the time, even if they actually look worse:

1. “I am a very good multi-tasker.”
What it really means – “I'm constantly distracted.”
No one is good at multitasking. In fact, research has shown that multitasking lowers productivity. Worse, multitasking demands your attention and your memory and impairs your ability to switch from one task to the next. Before you decide that you are the exception to the rule, know that the researchers found that heavy multitaskers also lacked insight. The toughest multi-taskers thought they were doing a good job. But in reality, they performed worse than everyone else. So while you may be good at handling a long list of tasks, or you may be excellent at prioritizing tasks, chances are you're not a real multitasker.

2. “I hardly ever sleep.”
What it really means – “Sleep deprivation is killing me”.
Many successful celebrities and entrepreneurs contribute to the idea that less sleep means more time to be productive. Glorification of a lack of closed eyes is a strange phenomenon. After all, your brain needs plenty of rest to function at its peak. Studies have linked sleep deprivation to poor cognitive function. A lack of sleep reduces attention, working memory, long-term memory and affects decision-making. Chronic sleep deprivation takes a serious toll on your mental and physical health. That's not really something that should impress others.

3. “I am a perfectionist.”
What it really means – “My impossible standards make it difficult to function.”
Bearing the label of a 'perfectionist' shouldn't be a badge of honor. True perfectionists set unrealistically high standards for themselves. As a result, they struggle to get their jobs done because their performance never lives up to their expectations. While it's normal to be a perfectionist about some things - true perfectionists expect perfection in all areas of their lives. They also set unrealistically high expectations of others—which makes them tough leaders. Their intolerance to mistakes and excessively high standards cause subordinates to hide their mistakes, rather than find ways to recover from them. Studies show that perfectionists are at a much higher risk of burnout, physical health problems, and mental health problems. So before you throw the term perfectionist, think twice.

4. “I've never failed.”
What it really means – “I don't challenge myself and I'm afraid I can't handle failure.”
There is a big difference between trying to succeed and trying to avoid failure. If your goal is not to fail, chances are you will not live up to your potential. Studies show that people who avoid failure do not enrich themselves. They set goals that help them look good and only try new things when they are pretty sure they will succeed. Their motivation stems from their desire to feed their ego, rather than a genuine interest in personal development. People who refuse to fail are also more likely to resort to unsavory performance methods, such as cheating, because they are not really interested in learning. Instead of denying your mistakes, acknowledge what you've learned from them. Admit that you turned a failure into a learning opportunity that makes you better than before.

5. “I'm busy 24/7.”
What it really means – “I pay the price for being a workaholic.”
You don't have to look far to find people who believe that hustling all day long is the key to success. People will tell you that success is directly linked to the number of hours you put into your work each day. But studies show that working more than 50 hours a week does more harm than good. Workaholics experience a reduced quality of life. Researchers have linked workaholics to several psychiatric disorders, including ADHD, anxiety and depression. Working long hours also takes a heavy toll on your physical health and your ability to manage stress. So instead of saying you're happy to be available 24/7, or claiming you like to skip recreational activities because you value your work, focus on productivity. It doesn't matter how many hours you work. What really matters is how much you achieve during your working hours.