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How not to answer common job interview questions

Just like the things you should not put your resume, there are ways no to answer job interview questions. The problem is that many times people are not prepared, they are too nervous. 3 Tips That Will Eliminate Job Interview Anxiety Instantly 3 Tips That Will Eliminate Job Interview Anxiety Instantly The hardest part of landing a job is often the job interview. These three tips will help you get out of the process unscathed and with a new job. Read More

To make sure you don't say the wrong thing at your next job interview, take a look at these common questions and bad answers.

Tell me about yourself

Not technically a question, your interviewer will probably start asking you to tell them something about yourself. You may be tempted to tell your life story, provide details about your family life, or show your medical history. This is not the kind of information a prospective employer wants or needs to know if you are a suitable candidate for the job.

How not to answer common job interview questions

Also, avoid these types of responses:

  • Wandering around for a long time
  • Simply reload your resume
  • Explaining the failures
  • “What I really want to do is... ”

This is your chance to introduce yourself and show why you would be the best person for the position. Glassdoor, a popular job search site, suggests this answer to the question:

What are your strengths?

One of the biggest mistakes you can make with this question is being off guard. . A common question about your strengths is how job interviews have changed over the years How job interviews have changed over the years Over time, job interviews have changed. The way we launch for a job now was very different a hundred years ago! Read more . Don't expect to respond with vague, generic answers like "I'm a good learner" or "I'm a team player."

Instead, make a list of the strengths you possess that meet the requirements of the position. Along with those positives, prepare examples. Then you can discuss your strengths with examples of how they have helped you achieve success in the past.

Your interviewer will look for strengths that match the company's needs, help set you apart from other candidates, and demonstrate how well you'll do the job. Leading job search site offers this advice:

What is your greatest weakness?

This can be a difficult question to answer during a job interview. And you should prepare this answer also before the interview. Avoid responses like "I can't think of one" or "I'm a perfectionist." Non-answers, as well as broad ones, are not what your potential employer is looking for.

It can be obvious but also stay away from answers that raise red flags. To say that you have punctuality problems, but that you bought an alarm clock that never fails is just a bad answer. You also don't want to respond with weak points that make you seem incompetent, irresponsible, or completely wrong for the job.

How not to answer common job interview questions

The best way to answer this question is with honesty and positivity. Explain your weakness and describe the ways you are working to overcome it. The team at financial advice site The Balance have this to say on the subject:

What do you know about our company?

This might be one of the easiest questions to answer during an interview:if you do your homework How to Prepare for a Scheduling Interview How to Prepare for a Scheduling Interview The best advice for scheduling interviews. Any interview can be daunting. Do you know enough to pass? Will your solutions be good enough? What happens if you drown? Apply these five tips. Read more . The worst answers you can give are the ones that show the interviewer that you have no idea about your company. Responses like “Not much really” or “I hear the pay and benefits are good.” they're horrible.

It's so easy to research a company you interview with on the internet. There is no excuse to go to your job interview without knowing anything about it. Also, if you are interested in a position with that company, don't you want to know more about their business?

As the job search site Job-Hunt says:

Why do you want this job?

Answering this question with “Because I need a job,” “I have been unemployed since X,” or “Your location is close to my home.” Each displays desperation and general disinterest. Of course you may need the job, but the interviewer is likely to quickly move on to the next candidate with these answers.

Other bad responses include being negative about your current employer or company and having no solid reason at all.

How not to answer common job interview questions

Use the research you get about the company and its services with the matching of your skills and job qualifications to answer the question. Discuss the new and exciting products they have introduced, show your enthusiasm for the position and the company, and above all, avoid generic responses.

Again, from Glassdoor, who received feedback from HR professionals and career coaches:

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

This dreaded job interview question often gets interviewees fired, but it gets asked all the time. When asked where you see yourself in five years, a response like “I see myself in this position” shows a lack of ambition rather than enthusiasm for the job.

The Financial Diet website also believes that you should refrain from:

Instead, discuss how you plan to develop inside the company to show off your unit Supercharge Your Next Job Interview With These 11 Free Tools Supercharge Your Next Job Interview With These 11 Free Tools It takes skill to land an interview. There are a plethora of apps out there that will help you improve your job interview skills. Let's take a look at each step of the interview process. Read more . You can talk about how you would like to be a part of growing both the position and the business. If your answer shows your intention to stay with the company while you have a solid career plan, this will show your ambition and will be a good investment.

Do you have any questions for me?

You probably already know what a bad answer to this question is:“No.” When a prospective employer asks if you have any questions, have them ready. Sólo asegúrese de que no sean preguntas como “¿Hacen verificaciones de antecedentes y exámenes de drogas??,” “¿Cuánto tiempo de vacaciones recibiré??,” o “¿Hay algún descuento en productos??”

How not to answer common job interview questions

Si investigó sobre la compañía como se explicó anteriormente, entonces puede tener preparada una lista de preguntas significativas. Además, hay cosas probables sobre la posición que no se discutieron hasta este punto. Asegúrese de tener una lista de esos también. La ausencia de preguntas puede equivaler a una falta de interés a los ojos del entrevistador.

Según Fast Company, que recibió ayuda de la contratación de gerentes y reclutadores en este tema:

¿Qué pregunta encuentras más difícil??

Algunas personas pueden permanecer calmadas y relajadas durante una entrevista de trabajo. Consejos que puede usar para hacerse cargo de su próxima entrevista de trabajo Consejos que puede usar para ser dueño de su próxima entrevista de trabajo ¿Le aterroriza la idea de ir a una entrevista de trabajo? ¡No tiene que hacerlo! Read more . Al menos ellos Aparecer para hacerlo Pero una entrevista de trabajo es una de las situaciones más estresantes que enfrenta una persona..

No dejes que preguntas comunes como estas te despierten. Prepararse para una entrevista es más que tener una apariencia limpia y ser bien hablado. Planifique, prepare e investigue para que pueda ingresar a su próxima entrevista de trabajo con confianza.

¿Qué pregunta durante una entrevista es la más difícil para ti? ¿Cómo te preparas para responderla antes de tiempo? Comparte tus pensamientos y sugerencias con nosotros a continuación!