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Young entrepreneurs in the making; online there is a world open to them

I find it inspiring, all those young dogs who are working online to start their own company. Not you? I've been going online for a while now and know what's involved. A lot more than most people think, because as an internet entrepreneur you actually have to be at home in all markets. You must be able to maintain your website, but also acquire customers, build a readership, be aware of SEO and, for example, affiliate marketing to build an income. Young entrepreneurs have it a bit easier because they simply have a better grasp of the techniques behind it.

With a smile on my face I can read or hear the stories of the young online entrepreneurs who, full of passion and self-confidence, look up the internet to shape their own future.

Internet as second nature:young entrepreneurs are sometimes lightning fast

There are quite a few people making their money online these days. This ranges from small attic webshops to immense companies that are set up in no time. I love it. Just like the local baker and greengrocer makes me happy. Or that nice accessory shop on the corner of the street. I just love entrepreneurs. Of their inventiveness and their (usually) present optimism. They have a heart for their business and young entrepreneurs are no exception.

What strikes me is that young entrepreneurs often choose the online path and I understand that too. Online business offers a lot of freedom, which I have experienced myself in recent years. There are also all kinds of ways to earn your income online. For example, I know young entrepreneurs in my area who fully focus on a website with affiliate marketing and dropshipping. For example, in the residential sector. They do not sell products themselves, but do offer products on their website from others for which they receive a commission. If you know enough about marketing and you ensure that your website is found well (SEO), you can earn a very nice income from it. For example, at the age of 22, Edwin de Jong was already selling 20,000 bicycles a year via the internet, while he can't fix a tire yet!

Inventiveness of young entrepreneurs

But I think the best thing is that it is mainly the young entrepreneurs who come up with the best ideas. For example, I read the story of Closure. A young company with ditto owners. Set up to take work off the hands of relatives of a deceased person by taking over all cancellations of subscriptions and the like. Very smart. Not only because it saves time, it especially saves inconvenience that you as a family member are not waiting for at that moment.

They make their own luck

What I also really applaud is that these young entrepreneurs really choose for themselves. I was taught 'in the past' that certainty is important. That you have to 'secure' your future and that acting normally is crazy enough. But nowadays they make their own choices much faster. For example, if you look at the owners of, you will read that they have both quit their jobs to travel the world. They record all of this in their blog and give their readership advice. They earn their money by placing advertorials and applying affiliate marketing. Beautiful right?

My own children are still 'in development' when it comes to online business. The eldest doesn't like it much, but the youngest shows the same entrepreneurial behavior as I used to have. Although she is a little less driven and above all enthusiastic about everything what happens, haha. She currently earns a small pocket money by making bracelets and selling them online, via Instagram and Tiktok. 11 years old, isn't it?