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Master the art of delegation in 3 steps

If you've read even a few of my monthly columns, you probably know my lesson on activity versus productivity. Just because you are Doing doesn't mean you're accomplished . This may seem paradoxical. Getting to inbox zero might seem like progress, but not if you're simply avoiding bigger, more meaningful tasks.
When you become a leader, the paradox changes slightly. You need to inspire others to accomplish more while being less involved. This is perhaps the most difficult transition for new leaders. The passage from Do to delegate is not easy. It requires communication, trust and a strong team. Follow the steps below to increase your impact while decreasing your involvement.
Related: 5 things strong leaders do
1. Build the foundation.
This is the most important step. Just as a house cannot stand on a shaky foundation, an organization cannot move forward without a strong, reliable team underneath.
When selecting your team, take time to understand them not as as employees, but as people – people with individual strengths, dreams and desires. I see so many leaders putting people in positions that don't match their strengths. When a team member is not successful, the leader wrongly blames the employee. It's one thing to push the limits of your team's abilities, but don't set them up for failure.
2. Communicate clearly.
How can you expect a team to achieve your vision if they are only vaguely aware of your dreams? From the beginning, plan several meetings with each member of your team. Meet them in groups and individually. They need to understand the overall goal, but also have a roadmap with frequent milestones to keep them motivated and informed.
Related: 9 things great leaders do differently
3. Toe the line.
Successful delegation can be tricky. You want to give your team members the freedom to do their jobs without hovering over their shoulders. But neither can you give them a card and say goodbye from your office corner. Follow this path by understanding your team's work styles and setting clearly defined miniature goals.

Delegation empowers your team while creating space for you to focus on the big and important decisions.

Have monthly follow-up meetings to make sure everyone is on track. Use these meetings as an opportunity to publicly celebrate small wins and address potential speed bumps.
True leadership is about leveraging your talents to delegate and motivate a team to succeed. If you're having trouble letting go of the reins, open up the conversation with your team members. Give them the opportunity to provide feedback and volunteer for increased responsibilities. Delegation empowers your team while creating space for you to focus on the big and important decisions that will move the organization forward.
Related: How to be a humble leader

This article originally appeared in the February 2018 issue of SUCCESS magazine.