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How to master the art of "personal branding" (to find a job)?

There is the "personal branling", it's a colorful Facebook group which "denounces" those who "talk about it" on their profiles ("to make your cleaning lady discover lychees, even her smile, it's priceless "). Objective:to compile "the best collection of electronic wankers." If you want to have the privilege of appearing on this page - precisely "priceless" -, let go...

If, on the contrary, you want to get a job, take care of your "personal branding", yes yes, make yourself a BRAND, in short, "market yourself", as we say at L'Oréal. How do I know that Jérôme Tixier, the group's general manager, advises his young foals to self-market? I read Job Search, Forget Dad's Methods , the book by Thomas Welsch (27 years old and all his teeth), former intern at L'Oréal and now Trade Marketing Manager at Lagardère. Here are 5 things to remember.

ONE – Personal branding requires constant investment. Dedicate time to it every day, it must become your own yogic meditation. Why ? Because the "return on investment is proportional “, insists Thomas Welsch, particularly distressed by online information outdated or empty of content for his “personal brand ".

TWO – The best tools to favor and to feed a max:Twitter, Linkedin, Tumblr and of course, to create a blog on a theme or a center of interest. For this Web regular, "the basis of an effective blog is first to clearly define its positioning, its objective, its frequency and its tone. Basically:if the blog has more or less the same information as the others, if it touches on everything, if it is not regularly updated:"no interest! »

THREE – Real life is good (too). You MUST be present as much as possible at fairs, conferences, meetings of former students, clubs, circles, associations... There are no mysteries, the more opportunities you multiply, the more potentially... DECISIVE encounters you make.

> Read also:How to improve your life in 5 emails?

> Read also:3 boring techniques to abandon when looking for a job

FOUR – It seems like a detail… but making pretty personal business cards and distributing them everywhere is the basis of networking . Of course, we personalize them excessively:we put a few key words of our skills, even a quote that represents us... (it's kitsch but it marks).

FIVE – Become an icon. If you are told Rolling Stone, what do you think of? A red mouth sticking out its tongue, of course. Well, you, it's the same, you have to create a graphic charter and an icon characterizing you, which will be, for example, your specific signature at the bottom of emails, or the logo on which you click to be redirected to your sites, blogs, profiles…

To read:Thomas Welsch, Job search, forget the methods of Dad , Larousse, 10.90 euros