Family Best Time >> Work

Internet is not the best way to find a job

Practical and easy to access, the internet is an essential tool in the context of a job search. The proof is:88% of job seekers use it, according to an Ifop survey for Pôle emploi. Is this method really effective? Not really, according to this same study!

Betting on your network

The "offline" channels thus remain the most efficient. 37% of returns to employment are due to the solicitation of the personal and professional network, 26% to placement by a labor market intermediary and only 12% to job offers found on the Internet. Worse still:CV submissions on the web only generated 2% of returns to employment, while unsolicited applications by mail, which may however seem outdated, enabled 5% of respondents to find work. ! In all, only 18% of job seekers surveyed have returned to work through the Internet.

It is high time to abandon our keyboards and take up the pen if we want to get the job of our dreams! Less romantic but even more effective:bet on our network. And yes, there is no secret...