Family Best Time >> Work

10 things you like about working from home

Some people are very satisfied with working for a boss and it never crossed their mind to start their own business. Others have been dreaming about it for a long time but still have doubts. Are you also such a doubter? Here are 10 things that make working from home a lot of fun.

1. You set your own rules

2. You don't have to work 9 to 5

3. You can do your shopping or go to the gym in between

4. You can finally get a dog

5. You can wear comfortable things and you don't have to put on makeup

6. Your alarm will never go off again

7. If you want to work in the sun during a hot day, you can do that

8. You can do what you love

9. You are more productive

10. You save money because you spend less on food, petrol or public transport and clothing