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3 home business ideas to help you make money from home

Have you ever thought about the possibilities of earning money from the comfort of your own home? Although it may sound too good to be true, there are plenty of legitimate ways to make money online.

SummaryBloggingAffiliate MarketingFreelance WritingConclusion

Before you start, you must first think about how you could start making money online. You also need to consider how much you need to stick with this. In most cases, you'll want to aim low compared to the expected money you can make online, at least initially.

Whether it's earning a few hundred dollars a month in your spare time, starting a small business you've always thought about, or even quitting your job and working from home – it all starts with taking action. You need to familiarize yourself with the opportunities around you.

3 home business ideas to help you make money from home

First, check out one of the most sought after home business ideas that often help people get started. After going through the list, you'll see a common theme across them all. It's that they all need zero extra education and little or no money to get started.

That's why running a side hustle or small business on the internet is simply one of the best opportunities the world has ever seen.

That being said, let's look at three best ways to make extra money from home.

Create a blog

You've probably heard of blogging before. Over the past decade, it's been one of the easiest and most convenient ways to get started with a website (or blog) on ​​the internet.

And thanks to programs like WordPress, you won't have to know how to program code or design a site. If you know how to type, you're more than qualified to start your own blog. Plus, if you're really interested in starting a blog, you could find yourself becoming a professional writer in a short period of time.

How to make money with a blog?

The concept of blogging is simple. Create a blog, write content, then people will come to your site.

However, when it comes to making money blogging, you have a lot of options, especially once you start driving traffic to your site.

The easiest way to make money with a blog is to simply place Google Adsense ads on your site. Google will then send you a payment each month, based on the number of clicks you have sent to their ads displayed on your site.

Other blog monetization methods include affiliate marketing, selling ad space on your site, or even selling your blog itself!

Affiliate marketing

Speaking of affiliate marketing, it's the business model of earning a commission for referring a lead or sale to another business.

3 home business ideas to help you make money from home

Blogging is one method of generating traffic and leads for affiliate marketing, but there are many other methods to achieve this as well. was one of the first companies to take advantage of what affiliate marketing had to offer. Today, millions of affiliates and partner sites refer new sales and new customers to them daily.

There are many ad networks and platforms that act as affiliate networks, hosting individual affiliate programs for a wide range of brands. Platforms like Shareasale, Commission Junction, and ClickBank are all free to join as an affiliate marketer.

How to make money with affiliate marketing?

As you can imagine, with so many businesses using affiliate marketing to generate new customers and leads daily, there must be plenty of opportunity here.

There certainly are, and you don't need to have a site to get started. The most active affiliate marketers actually use social media, media buys, pay-per-click advertising, and paid traffic sources to generate leads.

The end goal here is to set up an advertising campaign and spend less money than you earn. Sounds simple enough, but it will definitely take time to master and find long-term profitability.

Independent editor

A great way to make money online, without having to spend money or invest time in learning something new, is to become a freelance writer.

3 home business ideas to help you make money from home

With over a billion active websites and blogs on the internet today, they all need content to engage with new audiences, increase social media engagement, and also rank in search results.

In most cases, this type of content creation is usually outsourced and eventually provided to freelancers to do the work.

How to make money with freelance writing?

To get started in the world of freelancing, you will need to create a profile. Choose from one of the most active writing forums and open marketplaces.

A few of the most popular online marketplaces for freelance writing are TextBroker, iWriter, and Fiverr.

Once you are settled on these platforms, you can then browse through their active writing jobs. After you find the one you like, you can apply to write articles.

Depending on the writing platform you use, there will be different terms and formats in place. Some will allow customers to pay on a “per word” basis, while others will have a fixed “per word count” amount.

If you're having some success as a freelance writer through these platforms, you might want to consider starting your own website or blog. Then you can start approaching clients to see if you can get long-term, consistent work.

See also:10 ways freelance writers can make extra money


As you can see, these are just three great tips for making money from home.

There's never been a better time to start using your expertise and getting paid a good amount for it.

In any of these scenarios, it is important to realize that you are potentially competing with the rest of the world. This is especially true when trying to compete in the world of blogging or affiliate marketing.

Freelance writing is tough, but depending on your writing skills, it's an area you can have more control and demand over.