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Make your business known:8 simple ideas to implement

Have you just started your business or are you preparing to do so? To ensure the success but also the sustainability of your business, you must make yourself known. Thanks to simple ideas, you can boost your notoriety. Which methods to adopt locally, nationally or online? Answers!

1. Bet on word of mouth by talking about your project

Word of mouth is a free and very powerful communication tool. As soon as you know that you are going to launch your activity, you can use it. How ? The principle is simple. Talk about your business (or future business) around you. You can present products and services, explain your expertise and distribute business cards. This first approach with the market is very interesting because you will face the first questions that will help you set up a solid communication campaign. Moreover, if you are convincing, you will mark the spirits and you will be solicited once in activity.

2. Create your listing and take advantage of geolocation with Google My Business

Google My Business is both a service and a feature offered by the famous eponymous search engine. All companies, as well as all professionals, can be referenced on Google My Business and benefit from increased visibility. The service works like a directory and provides all useful information to users. To do this, you must fill out a form. Here is the information to provide.

  • Company name and header
  • Presentation of the establishment
  • The phone number
  • Postal address
  • The website
  • The email address
  • Categories
  • Opening hours

In addition to providing all this information to Internet users and therefore to future customers, it is possible to publish photos of your establishment. Of course, when you write your file and when you choose your photos, you must seduce your audience.

The major advantage of Google My Business is the geolocation of your business or store. The service thus makes it possible to reassure people who buy online but also to seduce a local public. The service is free and all data can be updated. Also, you can create your profile before having a website.

3. Create a website and a merchant site

It is unthinkable today for a company not to be present on the internet. Having a site is essential to make yourself known. Even with a modest budget, it is possible to have a website that fulfills all its functions. This can evolve according to your needs. To set up a website, you can call on professionals who will help you find your visual identity and create a site in your image. It is also possible to create a site independently.

If you opt for online sales, your website must be completed by a merchant site from which Internet users can buy your products and/or services. In any case, you must ensure that your site is always up to date (contact details, product availability, opening hours) and that it can be consulted from a smartphone or tablet.

4. Host a blog

In addition to your website, you can create and animate a blog. This is a great communication tool that allows you to:

  • to share the life of your company (new member in your teams, arrival of a new machine),
  • show off your skills,
  • to announce the release of a product or service,
  • announce your presence at a trade show,
  • to publish articles related to your activity,
  • to answer questions from your audience,
  • to share customer reviews…

This list is not exhaustive as the topics to be covered are limitless! It is even possible to play with seasonality and the major events of the year. The blog also allows you to have a good online referencing and therefore better visibility.

In addition to animating your blog, you can write a newsletter. Whether weekly, monthly or quarterly, it will reach your target audience by offering them content that meets their expectations.

5. Communicate on social networks

There are many social networks and each company can find its place on these latest generation communication tools. Undisputed leader, Facebook is a social network that brings together 40 million active users in France. It offers specific pages for professionals as well as an advertising service. Depending on your activity, you can also consider other social networks. Instagram and Pinterest both work around visuals. They are very useful if your field of activity is aesthetic such as decoration, gardening, beauty, fashion, design, tourism or even catering. Twitter is also essential for companies operating in a dynamic market.

Just like the blog, social networks must be animated. The data must be up to date there. It is also very interesting to use social networks to get in touch with your audience and answer any questions.

6. Develop a professional network

As professionals, you need a network. In addition to being useful for carrying out your activity, this network allows you to make yourself known. Of course, you can go through your employees, your suppliers, your resellers or even your service providers to develop it. But you can also use social networks. LinkedIn is the perfect example of this since it allows you to follow the news of a field of activity and to create links with other companies and professionals. If you do trade shows, you will also be able to expand your network easily and quickly.

7. Make yourself known to your community

Thanks to the internet and social networks, you will be able to promote your business. However, it can also be useful to make yourself known locally. To achieve this, all you have to do is meet companies and traders. You can distribute flyers or business cards and of course introduce yourself.

It is sometimes a good idea to organize open houses to make yourself known. Bet on user-friendliness rather than on the presentation that drags on. Offer drinks and appetizers, and make sure everyone understands your activity. On this occasion, you will also be able to develop your professional network. If you have samples, this is also the time to distribute them.

8. Advertise

Like websites, advertising adapts to all budgets. To choose the right format, you have to take into account the target audience but also the type of activity of your company. You should also know that it is possible to reach a large audience as well as a small audience, but the ideal is to convert as many people as possible into customers.

To advertise, you can opt for:

  • the radio,
  • television,
  • newspapers,
  • magazines,
  • social networks,
  • internet,
  • flyers,
  • the posters,
  • the distribution of promotional items…

Remember to carefully study the feedback from each campaign and correct any errors before launching another one.