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What is an intranet? What use? What function?

The intranet is a device that is present in almost all large companies and which is now popular with other structures, even the smallest ones. This internal computer network makes it possible to pool resources in order to make them available to all employees. Why opt for an intranet? Operation, usefulness, security:here is everything you need to know about this network.

Definition:what is an intranet?

The intranet is therefore a computer network set up within a company, an organization or a community. It consists of different resources including:

  • shared documents,
  • pages accessible to everyone on the network,
  • applications,
  • databases,
  • messaging.

The intranet is a bit like an internal internet. Its particularity is that it is only available within a structure by employees. Each workstation has an access. The resources of an intranet are normally not consultable outside the company. Nevertheless, it is possible to set up computers so that employees on the move or teleworking have access to their resources.

Features:what is an intranet for?

The intranet has many features. These are customizable, they adapt to the activity of the company and its needs. Here are some examples. The proposed list is not exhaustive.

  • Have access to internal company functions and applications
  • Share calendars
  • Have access to your professional emails
  • Set up internal messaging in the form of a chat and more rarely a forum
  • Disseminate, update and exchange documents
  • Access files (staff, customers, suppliers)
  • Facilitate project management
  • Organize videoconferences

It should be noted that the intranet is no longer reserved for very large companies. Since the democratization of remote work, in particular because of the coronavirus epidemic, companies of all sizes are opting for an internal network.

How to set up an intranet?

The implementation of the intranet within a structure requires several steps. The first is to set goals. Indeed, creating an internal network must above all meet needs. Managers as well as employees and other collaborators must discuss together the expectations vis-à-vis the intranet. This step is crucial because in addition to defining the real need for an internal network, it allows you to make an outline of the intranet and to think about the desired functionalities and therefore to include.

The second step is to take stock of the equipment that the company has and the one in which to invest. Setting up an intranet requires hardware, software, and servers. These can be internal or external to the company. It is even possible to opt for the cloud, in other words servers accessible via the internet. This step also includes project budgeting.

The last step in setting up an intranet is done in collaboration with specialized service providers that must be chosen. They will come to the company to do an audit. Thanks to him, they will be able to offer a solution perfectly adapted to the needs of the company and scalable.

Optimal use of the intranet

Once the intranet has been thought out, personalized and set up, you have to take it in hand and learn to work with this new tool. All employees must be trained. This step takes time and needs to be budgeted for, but it is essential.

To ensure proper use of the intranet, it is highly recommended to appoint one or more administrators. These referents will be able to train new employees and answer questions from users. These are also the people who will be in contact with the service provider who set up the intranet.

Intranet:an evolving tool

When setting up an intranet, it is important to work on the architecture and the home page of the internal network. The grip as well as the use of the tool must be easy and fast. You should also know that an intranet is constantly evolving according to the needs of the company. For the tool to be a real added value, each user must participate in the evolution of the tool by providing feedback on the positive and negative points.

Intranet data security

Because the intranet brings together all the data relating to a company, it must be perfectly secure. Here are some tips for protecting your internal computer network.

  • Choose a secure home network. That's the basics!
  • Give each user a username and password. This must be strong. It should be changed regularly.
  • Learn to identify hacks, scams and phishing attempts.
  • Use the intranet only from personal equipment. It is prohibited to connect from a public computer or an unsecured connection.
  • Implement a security policy within the company and communicate it to users.
  • Ask for updates and do them as soon as possible as they ensure optimal functioning.
  • Limit access to sensitive data.