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Earn extra money from home by translating texts

It seems like a dream for many, to work from home. But earning extra money from home is not easy either. You have to do something for it. Those who want to get rich overnight, better not spend their time on this blog article, because I'm not going to talk about that. I also don't believe in getting rich while sleeping.

Sure there are people where the money comes in while they don't seem to do anything for it. But what you don't see at that moment is that the people in question have -with one exception- worked for it, just maybe not at that moment. Nice fodder for a next blog.

Can you easily earn extra money from home?

But there appears to be work that you can do from home to earn extra money. In the past I have already researched a few things about reliable home working. One of the things that has stayed with me is, for example, translating texts.

Of course you can also start blogging, but blogging is not an easy way for everyone to earn extra money. To start with, you would have to put in a lot of hours in your blog before it will pay off. In addition, the technology is also an obstacle for some. And if you don't have much time, blogging is not the best way to earn extra money by working from home. It takes a lot of time to earn a living with your blog. Even if it is a lot of fun to do.

Would you rather earn some extra money instead of doing it full time? Or are you simply not that creative, but are you very strong in certain languages? Then working for an online translation agency is a godsend. For example, I came into contact with Fairlingo and I did some research into their way of working.

Translating texts as homework

Fairlingo is a translation agency where you as a client can offer your texts online for translation. There is a whole method behind it, but what is particularly striking is that they are not too expensive and that they have beautiful references. Even the government works with them.

As a translator, you can register with this agency and work on the translations from home. They have their own system for that and every translation is also edited. You can also register for that. So two people are needed for each 'job'. You register for a translation and it is first come, first served. This makes earning extra money from home a good option. Provided you know your languages ​​of course 😉 .

They work quite a bit with native translators. For example, they have native Dutch-French translators who are concerned about translating texts into French. But also English, Norwegian, Chinese, Arabic, German and many other languages ​​are translated.

Earn extra or full-time job from home

Whether they have enough work to provide you with a full-time job, I can't say for sure. But if you're good at a particular language and you enjoy doing it, it's an ideal way to earn some extra money from home. Nice to type texts behind your own laptop at a time that suits you. Ideal to bring in some extra money as a working mother?

For example, for a large part of my life I have earned some extra money by working from home. Although not as a translator, because I am not that strong in foreign languages, but because of other homework.

Have any of you ever thought about doing some homework? And what kind of work did you want to take up? As a job, next to motherhood? Or as an extra income next to your job, just to earn some extra?