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Jortt; simple bookkeeping for entrepreneurs who prefer to do business

A simple accounting program can make the life of an (online) entrepreneur a lot easier. Which entrepreneur does not want that?

Frank has been doing the accounting for me for years, but I would actually like to do more with it myself. Not because I have nothing to do, but more because it is part of doing business that I also find important. Good bookkeeping also gives you as an entrepreneur a clear insight into the figures. And the latter is of course important when making all kinds of choices that you are faced with as an entrepreneur.

Table of contents

A simple accounting program, but good, please

Frank has been using a free open source accounting program for years when doing the bookkeeping, but there are still some snags. I don't like to immerse myself in it, because that program doesn't contain all the options for me that I'm looking for myself. In addition, it is not really user-friendly. So when I came across Jortt, I became curious about the possibilities of this program for accounting. According to his own words, Jortt is a simple accounting program. But I would like to see and experience that with my own eyes.

Bookkeeping with Jortt, what are the options?

Of course it is important that you first have an overview of the functionalities you are looking for in an accounting program. However, a large part of those functionalities is the same for all entrepreneurs. Furthermore, I think it is especially important that an accounting program makes the bookkeeping itself simple for me. It has to work intuitively and I really shouldn't be able to make really wrong choices. In addition, it should not cost me too much time. Because sending invoices is fun, but I didn't become an entrepreneur to end up spending a lot of time on my bookkeeping.

More information about the automatic bookkeeper in Jortt can be found here

The functionalities I am looking for in a simple accounting program

  1. Clear customer registration
  2. Easily create an invoice with a nice and clear layout (+ possibility to place separate comments on the invoice)
  3. Link bank entries to invoices
  4. Easy filing of VAT returns
  5. Clear reports (open invoices, turnover and profit and loss)
  6. Making quotations is not really necessary for me now, but may be useful in the future

In addition to the above functionalities, I keep in mind that we have conceived the idea of ​​engaging an accountant who prepares the annual accounts. The accounting program does not have to go that far for me, but if it is simple to run, we can save the costs of an accountant.

What does accounting with Jortt do for the entrepreneur?

That is actually very simple, Jortt takes the sting out of bookkeeping. And that is good for every entrepreneur. This makes bookkeeping not only easier, but also more fun to do. And you already have enough administration to do for all self-employed people, right?

Accounting with Jortt works a bit differently than we are used to in an accounting program and that is also the reason that it is simple. At Jortt they are based on your bank account. That what happened on your bank account (credits and debits) is true. Everyone understands that. In addition, every entrepreneur knows exactly what has happened in his or her bank account. By approaching bookkeeping in this way, it also immediately becomes more transparent.

Automatic bookkeeping, Jortt review

Because Frank now does the accounting, he checks with me to see if Jortt is indeed a simple accounting program for entrepreneurs. The review I am doing with this is therefore supplemented with Frank's feedback 😉 .

Reading in bank files and making bookings

We start by uploading a bank file with all the credits and debits from my business bank account. For this you need a 940 file, which can be downloaded from every bank. By the way, if you use the Bunq bank, the reading of the credits and debits will be automatic. When all data from the bank has been read in, you can easily make a booking of the expenses and link the income to, for example, invoices sent out.

When booking costs, you create a booking yourself in Jortt if he does not yet recognize the costs automatically. Jortt automatically recognizes what costs these are for many costs, so that he can automatically book them for you. You don't have to do anything yourself, except possibly link a receipt to the automatically made booking if you want.

You actually start in accounting - after you have read the data from your business account - in your to do list. Here's exactly what you need to do. So you can handle this list ahead of time. Everything done? Then you're done! It's that simple!

Using Jortt feels very intuitive, which makes it seem like a simple accounting program to me. I must of course not forget that a lot is automated in the background. That is of course the real reason why bookkeeping is easy with this program.

VAT declaration easily done within 5 minutes in this accounting program

Something that I think Frank always struggles with, the VAT return. And he will not be the only one, there are many more entrepreneurs who prefer to postpone this as long as possible. However, with this accounting program, the VAT return is a piece of cake. Every time you process your bank details, these are automatically included in your accounting, so that your VAT return is always up to date. At the end of the quarter, it is a matter of copying the data into your VAT return form and you are done. It is great that you have an interim overview here of the VAT that you have to pay.

Profit &loss and balance sheet immediately visible

Some more great insights that roll directly from this accounting program with a simple push of a button. Your profit and loss account and balance sheet. By correct entry of, for example, depreciations, these are also automatically processed by Jortt in the right way. Not only for this year, but also for future years when those depreciations will still apply. For example, the depreciation of your new laptop is automated for the next 5 years because you entered it once as a business asset.

Preparing the annual accounts

Peanuts in Jortt. In fact… I expect that we can save the costs of an accountant, because Jortt coughs up the annual accounts within a few minutes, you don't have to do anything. And Frank compared its contents with what our accountant describes in the annual accounts… the same parts are named and specified.

This makes me happy in accounting via Jortt

Of course, every package has its pros and cons, you can't avoid that. With Jortt I think the big advantage is that the complexity disappears. This makes bookkeeping a lot easier and can actually be tackled independently for every entrepreneur. The 'help' functionality is extremely extensive and you can also get an answer to all your questions by telephone.

Other than that, the to-do list makes me happy. You can easily see what you still need to do and emptying the to do list is easy. You no longer have to keep track of everything that still needs to be done. You will be guided from a-z by the accounting program and simply guided in your actions. Great!

Invoices that have been open for too long are immediately brought to the attention and sending a reminder is a matter of a few clicks. Distinguish between different payment terms? No point!

And do you have trouble saying goodbye to that shoebox where you put all your receipts? Use the digital inbox! You collect all your receipts here so that you can always find them quickly and link them to the costs incurred.

What am I missing in this simple bookkeeping

As mentioned… every accounting package has its advantages and disadvantages. It would therefore be very strange if I had no comments or suggestions 😉 .

  • Capture multiple customer-level contacts. You can change the contact person on an invoice, but choosing from multiple contacts within one organization by default is not possible. I would find it useful myself, just like recording the various contact details.
  • Reports at category level. For example, I would like to see what part of my sales is advertising revenue, what part is affiliate revenue and how much the online campaigns are doing. This is currently not possible, since the revenues are linked to an invoice and you cannot record this at invoice level. You can book your costs in different categories.

Final conclusion review Jortt accounting program for simple accounting

I am very fond of this accounting program myself. I do notice that you have to learn to let go. We cannot take over the control that we now exercise ourselves through our old way of accounting. In fact, this check is done for us 😉 . Actually very nice, but it takes some getting used to. It's a matter of trust. The more I have done with it, the easier it becomes.

I can therefore confidently say that Jortt is a simple accounting program that every entrepreneur can easily get started with. Whether you are self-employed, have a few employees, or run a BV. Jortt ensures that your accounting is automated where possible.

You can choose from different versions of this accounting program.

  • The free variant with which you can easily create invoices and quotations.
  • Jortt complete for € 14.50/month (tested by me) with which your accounting is automated for 80%, you can easily file your VAT return and have various reports available.
  • Jortt Plus for €29.50/month with which you can automate your accounting for 99% and direct debits are also possible