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The Dutch find working from home a huge challenge

The vast majority of the Dutch, more than 87%, experience nuisance while working from home. People experience the most inconvenience because they have less social contact with colleagues or customers (49.3%) or because private and business are mixed up (35.4%). Flexible office spaces and hotels are mentioned as a solution to these obstacles. This is apparent from a survey among 3,185 Dutch people conducted by Accor, the world's leading hotel group.

Hinder while working from home
Of all Dutch people who work from home, 87.3% experience this as a nuisance. The main reason is the lack of social contacts with colleagues and/or customers. No less than 49.3% of the respondents indicated this. Nuisance is also experienced because there is no clear separation between work and private life (35.4%). While working at home it is relatively easy to be disturbed by children or partner. For example, 14.3% suffer from partners who also work from home and 16.3% from housemates or pets.

Office vs. working from home
If we ask how working from home differs from working in an office, 47.6% say they exercise less. The walk to the coffee machine or a round during the break apparently provide the necessary exercise at the office. People sometimes forget to take a break when there are no colleagues around. (34.6%). Furthermore, working from home causes a feeling of loneliness (25.9%), low energy (16.4%) and many respondents experience that, compared to working at the office, they have less control over what goes on in the workplace ( 20.9%).

Alternative workplaces
Many Dutch people need a workplace where they will not be disturbed. When asked what requirements an external workplace must meet, a fast WiFi connection is mentioned as an absolute requirement. Nearly 69% of those surveyed cite this as a very important aspect. This is understandable now that we are all very dependent on Zoom, Teams and Skype to maintain contact with colleagues and customers. A workplace must also have quiet areas where people can work undisturbed. This is in line with the nuisance experienced by other housemates. Furthermore, the place must be clean (25.6%), comply with Covid-19 rules (30.8%) and have food and drinks nearby (22.4%).

When asked what type of locations qualify for alternative workplaces, flexible office spaces (45.7%) and hotel rooms (29.6%) or meeting rooms in a hotel (26.7%), were mentioned.