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3 ways to stick to your schedule when working from home

Working from home may seem like a dream come true, but just like any other workplace, it comes with its own set of issues. Unlike working in an office where you are present for a fixed number of hours, it is more difficult to stick to a schedule and complete all your daily tasks. Here are our top three ways to stick to a schedule:

1. Write it down
One of the best ways to stick to your schedule is to write it down. Start each morning by making a list of what you want to do that day and mark each task you complete. Buy a wall planner and use a diary to write down important appointments, and stick to it.

2. Work in short stages and take frequent breaks
Distraction is a big problem when working from home, because it's so easy to lose focus and take a peek at Facebook, or make another cup of coffee. Try to schedule no more than an hour for each task. 50 minutes is ideal and it gives you ten minutes before you can move on to the next task. In those 10 minutes you can take a break and make a cup of coffee or do something else. This way you are less likely to be distracted.

3. Have a morning routine
One of the myths of working from home is that you can stay in bed until lunchtime and then work the rest of the day in your pajamas. Error! While you can set your own hours, it's still important to maintain a morning routine no matter what time you start working. Try to stick to the same time every day and always shower, get dressed and have breakfast before you start work. You will then be more productive than if you were sitting in your pajamas.