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5 ways to turn mental challenges into unstoppable forces

High achievers are a different breed.
Related: The 5 Non-Negotiable Disciplines of a Great Achiever
They have been around for weeks during times of crisis on a diet of vending machine snacks and caffeine. They give up sleep, food, and personal hygiene in favor of a business goal. They maintain focus and spend hours discussing the finer points of a red border versus a blue border on the homepage. They love to work, and it shows, especially in the sacrifices they are willing to make to ensure the success of their businesses.
What some might call “obsessive” sounds a lot like entrepreneurial success. And, indeed, there is a fine line between healthy and overboard.
If you've ever thought (or heard) that your commitment to your work was a little – ahem – out of the norm, you you're not alone.
According to an article published by Michael A. Freeman, MD, and fellow researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, and Stanford University, nearly three out of four entrepreneurs report suffering from some form of mental health problem, far higher than the national average.
As do many successful businessmen – Daymond John, Sir Richard Branson, Anita Roddick, for example – attribute their dyslexia to their success in business, many entrepreneurs also say that their tendencies towards OCD, ADD, depression and other mental health issues have helped, not hurt, their businesses.
Related: How to turn your weaknesses into strengths
Alex Charfen, CEO of CHARFEN, a business training and consulting organization for entrepreneurs and small businesses, prefers to see the things that make entrepreneurs unique as positive, when they are accustomed to their best aim. “Each of the attributes that make us magical can also be what holds us back,” he explains. "Every successful entrepreneur has that time in their life that they'd rather not tell their kids about. But once you channel these tendencies, it can be like lighting the fuse on a rocket. of you, your business, and your relationships without sacrificing that “entrepreneurial edge” or becoming a cautionary tale? Here are five tips.
1. Stop feeling like something is wrong with you.
In the entrepreneurial world, those dealing with issues such as depression, ADD or OCD are the rule rather than the exception. "I've seen it time and time again at my millionaires," says author and trainer Jaime Masters, who's interviewed more than 350 millionaires for her Prospective Millionaire Podcast.
“I was very surprised during the interviews I did how many of them said they had dyslexia, how many said they had ADD,” she says. It is more common than not at the upper levels of the business world and you can use these trends to your advantage.
2. Take care of your basic needs.
All entrepreneurs need to keep an eye on their health, but it's even more critical for those who might tend to neglect their nutrition, sleep, and other basics in favor of health. a 100-hour work week. Charfen encourages its clients to exercise regularly, stay hydrated, meditate regularly, and eat well, all in an effort to combat the stress they face when creating, managing, and growing businesses. a business.
3. Create an early warning system.
If you are prone to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, know your cycles and triggers. Ask for help when you need it. Perhaps you know that you are more susceptible to depression during the dark winter months, or that you experience an energy crash after a period of hard exertion and long hours at work. Be prepared with your remedies – self-care, therapy, vacation, sleep, etc. – when these downtimes occur.
4. Keep it simple.
“ADD entrepreneurship” jokes abound for good reason. The master says, "Because we are so creative, it might seem a bit jagged, like our brain is directing us instead of us directing our brain." One solution:Keep as many elements of your life as simple as possible so you can focus on the areas that really need it or will benefit from your attention and creativity (Steve Jobs' everyday uniform of jeans, sneakers and black turtlenecks, for example). “Too many entrepreneurs try to complicate things too much,” adds Charfen.
5. Outsource your pain points.
Many top performers are more large-scale visionaries than detail adepts. Add to that an entrepreneurial ADD, and you might find it hard to start new things before finishing old things. Don't try to tame yourself, though. Instead, Masters suggests hiring for the skills you lack. Find someone to take care of the details so you can stay in your genius center. “Focus on your strengths,” she advises.
In sum, work with your natural flow and tendencies rather than against them. Not everyone will understand why you stay up until 5 a.m. and then sleep until 3 p.m. — and they don't need to. Your uniqueness is what will take you to the top – and that's where the naysayers will fall back. Know yourself, know your purpose, and do what it takes to keep you moving in the right direction.
Related: Answer 3 questions to identify your strengths