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I want to turn my experience into a diploma...


the VAE allows you to try to validate a master's degree without ever having obtained a BTS. It is based on the assumption that one has the skills required to obtain the desired diploma. Whether employed or not, the only requirement is to have worked for at least three years.

Is it long?

Yes, we commit on average for 18 months. We submit an "admissibility file" to the school that issues the diploma, with proof of the functions performed:contracts, letters of recommendation, diplomas... If we are accepted, we move on to the validation file. In it, we classify our professional achievements:reports, study work, books... And we comment, we justify as much as possible. Finally, we pass in front of a jury of pros and academics, who give the ultimate stamp. But it's not an exam, relax!

Are there any helpers?

Yes, both for funding (Pôle Emploi, community, Fongecif, etc.) and for support in completing the files, which is essential. but the best thing is to start by following an information meeting in your academy...